The Bold Knight and the Terrible Wyrm
The Bold Knight and the Terrible Wyrm
The dragon was old and its scales were gray
It snored and ached, and was heard to say,
Wheres my might, that now is gone?
Whats the point in carrying on?
The knight was young, his blade so bright
But at first dragonroar he shook in fright
And screamed, So large! I never knew!
Hide me, spare me! My challenge I rue!
The dragon yawned and said, Down blade!
Toss away daggers and sit in the shade.
Did you bring cold and foaming beer?
Havent had a good chat in many a year.
The knights mouth fell open, and down went
Gabbling, As it happens, Ive a keg with me!
So the sun went down behind the hill
And if theyre not snoring, theyre talking still.
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