Tower of Twilight

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To the east of the Neverwinter Wood, west of Longsaddle, stands the Tower of Twilight. The enchanted tower rises from an island in a small lake that drains into the woods to the west. It's invisible in sunlight, but as the light fades, the tower appears. An emerald-green bridge spans the water to the is­land, leading to an equally viridescent tower with sparkling, twisting spires. No door is visible outside the tower, and the apprentice who greets friends appears to pass through the stone wall; it's actually an extradimensional portal. The tower is home to Malchor Harpell (NG hm M18), a former aide of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun. Upon entering, the visitor discovers a wide, circular chamber lined with stalls for steeds along one wall. A corri­dor from the chamber gradually arcs along the tower's inner circumference, its incline growing more steep and its circles more tight as it winds to the top. The second level is the din­ing room. Above that is Malchor's study, occupying a whole upper level, its door opening directly from the spiraling corri­dor. The passageway continues past the study to serve the tur­ret chambers. Malchor's Museum, a treasure trove behind a heavy door, lies past an intersecting passage on the second level. For friends and trustworthy acquaintances, Malchor often lends aid in the form of magical items taken from this room. There's a ward here that allows someone to teleport into the museum, but no teleporting or planar magic can be used to exit the room. The door to Malchor's Museum, designed to be opened only from the outside, is nearly foolproof against the tools and guile of thieves (inflicting a -85% penalty to their pick locks attempt) as well as muscle-bound types who try to break down the door (open doors rolls are made at half­normal Strength).

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