Wylan Burral
Lord Priest Wylan Burral (WHY-lun BURR-uhl). Lord Priest Burral is the brother of Knight Aleyd Burral, the recently slain Knight of the Black Fist in Phlan; and a relatively low-ranking member of the church of Tymora. Wylan is the mirror opposite of his sister--passionate and jovial in contrast to her taciturn demeanor. Despite his seemingly friendly disposition, Wylan Burral is more than he seems; namely, the ranking member of the Cult of the Black Earth in Mulmaster, and has been for nearly a decade. Wylan is, on the surface, friendly and quick with a joke; eager to help in any way that any other cleric of Tymora would be willing. But in his guise as a cultist, his cheery disposition melts away and is replaced with malice. His passion remains though, and the combination is truly terrifying.
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