House Deneith

Protection is my purpose. I defend the innocent from those who would do them harm, and protect objects of value from mishandling. For my siblings, this is a job; for us, it’s a calling.

House Deneith is a primarily human and dwarven dragonmarked house whose members are highly acclaimed mercenaries and bodyguards known for their efficiency and martial skill, along with providing services focused on security and banking. Deneith are the muscle of the dragonmarked houses, providing raw power to a nation's army. Taking sides is bad for business, so during the Last War, Deneith remained neutral, or rather, provided soldiers to all sides. Now that the war has ended Deneith members are hired for guarding monarchs and chasing down criminals. House Deneith is the only house to unite two dragonmarks: the Mark of Warding, which allows the bearers to secure items, papers and money (hence why they are the number one provider of security services), and the Mark of Sentinel.


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