House Tharask

My ancestors used their gift to track beasts in the swamps. I use mine to find fugitives in the slums of Sharn. I’m still a hunter. I always find my mark.

House Tharashk is a primarily human and half-orc dragonmarked house that has recently begun spreading throughout Khorvaire, though it is still heavily based in the Shadow Marches. The house is the second youngest of the Dragonmarked houses. Its members are renowned prospectors, bounty hunters, and inquisitives. Tharashk is the only house to hire monstrous laborers and mercenaries from Nar Kanem, with whom they have an alliance. House Tharashk possesses the Mark of Finding. This mark grants various magical benefits related to locating people and objects which in turn has led to their fame for bounty hunting. Unlike other dragonmarked houses, Tharashk's clans are incredibly important and they are not as united as their peers. It is uncommon for a Tharashk house member to refer to themselves as "d'Tharashk" and the use of their clan name is more prominent. The three main clans are Aashta, Torrn and Velderan, though these aren't the only clans that make up Tharashk, smaller clans tend to be aligned with one of them. Although the clans do their best to work together for the sake of the house, heirs often put the interests of their clan before the house, which has led to many feuds.


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