Kingdom of Alduine

The Kingdom of Alduine was forged in war by Ald Mortifer, lord of Port Briste, in YK 76. His armies conquered slowly, only reaching it’s current boundaries by the start of the Last War in YK 895. Ald Mortifer was driven by his love for the Church of the Shattered sky and his hatred of magic, though most of his descendants recognize that to condemn magic altogether sets the Ten dead against them, so they exempt dragonmarked magic as well as their own clerics. The current ruler, Queen Marcella, favors a strong policy against magic. Practitioners can be fined for engaging in magic in public spaces, and one dangerous incident for a mage is enough to get them banned from practicing for life. The kingdom is plagued by the Free Working People of Khorvaire, a group dedicated to the overthrowing of monarchal and House rule and the implementation of pure capitalism. The Smoke Vendors, infamous drug runner working with many gangs instead of against them, also pose a serious threat to the nation. The City Watches there are formidable and uncreative, which means they are not especially cruel to the people, but are also not effective deterrents to criminals and revolutionaries. When engaged, however, the Watches rarely lose a fight.


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