The Brothers of Steel

The Brothers of Steel is a metalworker's union officially recognized in Eldamar on 11 Lharvion 974. First organized by Hadrien Hawthorne in Vult of 973 after the death of a comrade; overwhelmed by the number of sickly factory workers alongside him, the union sought to improve the working conditions for the vital workers of the metal factories and processing plants in Eldamar. The protests gained numbers quickly, but progress was slow as the factory owners were notoriously punishing of rebellious behavior, and responded brutally to anything that hampered profits. What began as peaceful protests did eventually grow to riots, and the final organized act was the storming and vandalizing of the homes of several factory owners in the area, the beheading of the wealthiest factory owner in Eldamar, and the destruction of vital machinery within the factories that only the employees were equipped to deal with. The home of Marcus Cane, the executed businessman, was repurposed into a community center for the town. Once the union became formally recognized, word of their accomplishments spread further around Khorvaire, inspiring other similar unions.
Founding Date
11 Lharvion 974


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