The Path of Light

You are the tool you will use to change reality.

Practiced by many kalashtar, the Path of Light seeks to change reality by first bringing change within, using meditation to focus the mind and athletic discipline to improve the body. The next step brings light into the world, using courage and compassion to banish the darkness in the people around you. Mediate disputes. Extinguish hatred by guiding people out of darkness. Inspire people to be better than they are. Even the smallest change is a victory, yet lightbringers—the followers of this path—hope that this is merely a step on a greater journey. The Path of Light teaches that this age is dominated by il-Lashtavar, “the great darkness that dreams.” This force poisons the world and promotes darkness. But all things change. If enough light can enter the world, it will lead to a tidal shift: the age of il-Lashtavar will end and usher in the time of il-Yannah, the great light.   Some followers of this faith believe that meditation alone is sufficient to change the path of the world, that merely contemplating the light is sufficient to bring about the change. Most believe that it is necessary to take action, but that darkness must fought with light. Violence is never the answer, and the only way to defeat evil is to redeem it. Lightbringers seek to inspire those who live in fear and enlighten those whose evil is driven by ignorance. The faith has followed this path for over a thousand years, but now a splinter sect advocates greater action. These shadow watchers believe that evil must be fought, that sources of darkness that poison communities can and should be ruthlessly eliminated.   The Path of Light is taught to the kalashtar by the spirits bound to their bloodlines. It is widespread in the nation of Adar in distant Sarlona, but in Khorvaire, it is largely unknown outside kalashtar communities. The shadow watchers champion a sect born in Khorvaire, and the elders of Adar have condemned its methods.


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