Book 1 of the Astnyr trilogy is in progress.

Divination Division

Rune Fortune Tellers

The Use of Runes

The belief in runic readings began during the World War. Fire and Earth Naga gave fortunes to Dark Elven soldiers, giving strategies and advice to them. It became normal that fortune tellers would be the masters of battle strategy during the war. After the World War was over, the new Runemaster founded the Divination Division. The Dark Elves joined this division soon after.   There were 15 runes. Five represented Lunar, five represented Star, and five represented Skoon.
Lunar   Rune of Journeys   Rune of Learning   Rune of Discovery   Rune of Blissful Change   Rune of Hardship

Star   Rune of Shining Star   Rune of Love   Rune of Intimacy   Rune of Health   Rune of Harmony

Skoon   Rune of Tyranny   Rune of Control   Rune of Success   Rune of Sky   Rune of Transformation

Runic Beliefs

"This rune represents your past. Hardship has plagued you since Stricord's Betrayal, has it not? Even before then, when your parents died of disease, leaving you with only your brother,"
— Runemaster Versash
  Fortune tellers believed runes held the key to the past, present, and future. Some even went with a five rune fortune, depicting past, present, future, outcome, and advice. Each rune represented three Angels of Notta, more discovered after the World War.   The Divination Division believed that their readings could help citizens and soldiers prepare for journeys that would take them from their families. Even some fortunes prepared people for their upcoming deaths. However, no fortune teller could ever predict the actions of those from Aeftir, their Angel rulers.  

Runemaster Versash

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
The current Runemaster in Runic Towers was the most known fortune teller in Notta. Many required his services to know how to move forward from family tragedy to how to fix an issue within a city. Forgemaster Gorana herself saw Runemaster Versash daily until she went into hiding.
Guild, Mages

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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