Book 1 of the Astnyr trilogy is in progress.

Music Parlor

Musance's Discoveries

Musance ruled the Tigrim with a gentle hand. So, when the tiger race became free of the oppressors, the God tried to figure out how they could benefit society. Musance asked his people what they used to partake in before their enslavement. However, the Dark Dwarves destroyed records of the past. This is when Musance set out on an expedition with select Tigrim to discover their history.   What they discovered changed Tigrim culture forever. The past tigers were able to keep hidden recordings from being destroyed. This discovery happened in the Starlands near Nomad's Point. Musance found the Tigrim used to have taverns where music and dance were commonplace. Musance then built the same tavern that was described in the hidden records.

by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

  This tavern had all the happiness any Tigrim needed. This included dancing stages, musical performances by multiple musicians, and travelers wishing to partake in festivities.  

Becoming Tigrim Culture

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
The Tigrim became alive from their old culture, finding new ways to improve the taverns that were scattered throughout Notta. Traveling musicians and nomads stopped at these taverns. The largest Music Parlor by far was the one in Crystal Towers with Tigrim helping around the farmland and performing in their tavern. This wasn't just the culture of the Tigrim, it was the culture of Notta, with Musance leading the musical arts.   Some other the other Gods joined in as well. Musance and Star were regularly appearing in these taverns. Wardom was another, as she sometimes joined in on the festivities.  

Joy For a Better Notta

Music Parlors brought much joy to the people of Notta. Even Dark Dwarves enjoyed the taverns with their hesitance of treating with their old slaves. The Tigrim were hesitant themselves until Lunar and Forgeheim assured them that the Dwarves were not there to enslave them again, but to enjoy the festivities of the taverns. There was a time when the music parlors were respites from the past, and they learned from each other's cultures. However, it didn't last forever.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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