Skoon, Stricord Character in Notta | World Anvil
Book 1 of the Astnyr trilogy is in progress.

Skoon, Stricord

"My children, I have come to bestow a gift upon my clergy. They have protected all of us through many dangers. I think they deserve a wonderful reward for their service, eternal control,"
— Stricord


After the treaty of the World War was signed, Lunar created Skoon. She, along with Star, built cities that would help Notta prosper forevermore. Skoon would rule Crystal Towers for centuries until she transformed to Stricord.  

Skoon, Lady of the Dark Elves

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Skoon was a beloved goddess of Notta. The Dark Elves found her to be kind and caring. She was a strong woman with her spear, protecting the Elves along with Wardom. Wardom was her second in command in Crystal Towers. With both of their powers together, the Dark Elves prospered for many centuries. With the farmers in Crystal Towers providing sustenance to the people in other cities, it became the major trading hub of Notta. Naga, Dark Dwarves, and Tigrim came to the towers to sell their wares or buy from the locals. Skoon became successful in this endeavor with her Skymaster by her side. However, there was one Skymaster she held dear to her heart, Zaldor Nightstar.  

Fallen in Love with a Mortal

Zaldor Nightstar became the Skymaster of Crystal Towers when the Dark Dwarven rebellion was at its highest. He attended meetings that concerned the rebellion as a threat to Notta's prosperity with Skoon. Zaldor advised the Forgemaster Gorana to build her own army with the help of the War Clerics. The Warmaster, Gildor Moonbow, agreed with this proposal. The other leaders and gods called this to action, Notta preparing for war once again.  
by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Skoon and Zaldor spent their time after that assisting Wardom and Gildor deploy their forces to Twilight Citadel. This was around the time Skoon began falling in love with Zaldor. His ambition and intelligence drew her in. Skoon had told herself that she would confess her feelings to her Skymaster after the battle, but that plan was not meant to be. The War Clerics went to war, with Zaldor and Gildor leading the charge. The rebellion leader decimated the clerics, but Gorana could escape from her own people. There was more dissatisfaction in Twilight Citadel with the current world than any leader realized. This resulted in total failure and the last call for war. After losing Zaldor, Skoon was devastated and immediately started searching for a way to revive him.  

Stricord, Queen of Darkness

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
One day, Skoon found what looked like a hidden chamber in the Starlands. This was where the stars shone brightest in the sky and reflected on the ground. The stars made her form shine, as there was a mass of stars that highlighted one place in particular. The ground caved in to reveal an underground cavern with a dark chamber. Skoon took this as a sign that she finally found what she was looking for after five years of searching. The war was also not going well for the Gods, even with all of their man-power. The Dark Dwarves might have found something as Skoon was about to. This could turn the tides.   Skoon discovered a painted casket that had chains keeping it sealed. Someone had written an inscription on the wall above it, though Skoon didn't understand what it said. She took a chance on the unknown and easily sliced through the chains with her halberd. The casket's lid fell to the ground as darkness enveloped the room, snuffing out any light-source in its vicinity. Skoon felt herself seize and cough as the darkness surrounded her. Black tears fell from her eyes as her eyes turned stark black. Her back broke as bloody, golden wings sprouted from it, with jewels adorning them. The last thing she heard was a deep voice inside her head as her control shifted to the being. Stricord, Queen of Darkness, broke free from her spiritual confinement.   Stricord ruined many civilizations and summon monsters from the darkness. She allied with the Dark Dwarves and finished off the Gods of Notta. The Dwarves hailed her as a hero, as she brought shadows and despair upon Notta.
10 feet

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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