Book 1 of the Astnyr trilogy is in progress.

The Hidden City

Tigrim Rebellion

"Do not worry, dear. Help will one day come for us, I know it. It may come in the form we don't expect,"
— Gorana

The Dwarven Massacre

by AuthorChase on HeroForge
When Stricord struck a deal with the Dwarven rebellion in Twilight Citadel, blood spilled. This bloodbath became known as the Dwarven Massacre, where Dark Dwarves who believed in the God's values were killed. Additionally, they enslaved the Tigrim once again. The Forgemaster, Gorana, tried to fight against the rebels, with Forgeheim by her side. However, it ended in death and blood.   With no other options, Gorana fled with the Tigrim she could save, leaving Forgeheim to die. It wasn't many, but it was enough where they could reproduce and live on.  

Fled Underground

by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

This was when Gorana used the underground passage that used to be the entrance to the army barracks. The miners found protection from the beasts living there in the mines. The Forgemaster miraculously fled there with the Tigrim she saved without being detected, and used her medallion's power to seal the underground entrance. As long as she lived, the Dark Dwarves searching for them would never be able to find them.  
by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Even though this was a temporary solution, they turned the underground building into a sanctuary where they constructed more. The Tigrim didn't live without fear, but they were safe from the Dark Dwarves and Stricord. She consoled the Tigrim when their fears got the better of them, even in her aging body. It would not be long until Gorana left the world of the living, but she stayed underground with her new subjects for as long as she could. She waited for those that could stand against Stricord and the other Dark Dwarves, for that was all she could do.

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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