Treaty of Notta Document in Notta | World Anvil
Book 1 of the Astnyr trilogy is in progress.

Treaty of Notta

Warning!: Sexual crime mentioned in spoiler button  

The World War

Lunar and Knowler created the Dark Elves and Naga to fight with them in the World War against the tyrannical Dark Dwarves. Many died on both sides as the battles continued for 100 years before the Dwarves gave up.   The Tigrim that were enslaved by the Dwarven masters fought the Angels against their will, leaving families separated and dead among the corpses of war. Even with the added numbers, the Angel's forces were unrelenting, as they would just create more Elves and Naga to fight against them. There was no hope for the Dark Dwarves to win.  

Victory for the Angels

The Dark Dwarves surrendered and agreed to free the Tigrim. However, the leader, Loktar, had one condition. This condition was for Twilight Citadel to have a role in political meetings to affect the future of Notta. Lunar agreed to the condition as Knowler created the treaty that would be known as the "Treaty of Notta". They inscribed the crystal with the agreement, including Lunar's and Lorag's signatures. This brought an era of peace to the world for many centuries.
by AuthorChase on HeroForge

by AuthorChase on HeroForge

  However, there came a time when the Dark Dwarven rebellion destroyed the treaty. The shards were of the broken crystal were turned to dust to form a new document. This document would be called, "Stricord's Domain Conditions".  
Treaty of Notta
This treaty states: The Dark Dwarves will free any Tigrim they have in their service The Angels will have an appointed leader in Twilight Citadel to take part in the God's Council May this record of crystal hold strong for the years to come   Signed, Lunar, Lord of Notta   Signed, Loktar Forgepick, Warchief of Twilight Citadel
Stricord's Domain Conditions
Stricord, Queen of Darkness decrees, All Tigrim serve the Dark Dwarves of Twilight Citadel, no matter of age or health Those who do not ally with her will be thrown into the scar, while her allies carefully traverse Stricord's Scar. Any Dark Dwarf may do as they please, whether that is killing,
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, or other punishments against others These are the Queen's demands. Follow them well.   Signed, Stricord, Queen of Darkness
Record, Historical
Crystal, Magical

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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