Wayland the Smith Character in Nova Secundus | World Anvil
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Wayland the Smith

Wayland the Smith


Contacts & Relations


Wayland is a member of a loosely-associated six-mage cabal. The mages come together for mutual assistance with rituals and favors, but they do not keep a sanctum together after a series of... domestic disagreements about how the cabal ought to conduct their business. Wayland keeps his own company for the most part, providing services as his friends need and asking little in return but the occasional accompaniment on a dangerous outing. The majority of the other five mages are Free Council.
  • Grouse - Acanthus
  • Byzantium - Mastigos
  • Cumulus - Obrimos
  • Practicum - Mastigos
  • Betsey Ross - Acanthus


Wayland is mentored (small 'm', presently) by an Obrimos Forgemaster named Mansa Musa. He is a fellow Adamantine Arrow, and leads their armory's smithy. Wayland does his time in the Order facility to contribute to the Arrow's goals, and while he is there Mansa Musa will pass on advice and practical tutelage. Musa is an effusive and generous teacher, but   Wayland also occasionally spends times in drills with other Arrows, after which he likes to unwind with drinks or sports with the other lads/lasses/enbies. One with whom he is particularly chummy is a man named Orpheus.

Myopic, driven blacksmith dedicated to pushing the limits of Fallen matter. Wayland is always on the hunt for new projects and new sources of inspiration. He is deeply protective of his reputation and his friends.

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