
Few accounts remain of Nabrok, and fewer survivors. It is believed that Nabrok was a synth pirate who began raiding along the asteroid belt in the 24th century. At the time the asteroid belt was the natural border between the EMC and Jupiter Faction. The belt was a common sight for passing trade ships between Mars and Jupiter, as well as industrial mining sites like Ceres. Both being viable sources of advanced technologies and valued resources, the belt saw frequent merc activity.   The understanding is that as he accumulated resources, Nabrok used his hoard to transform himself. The Nabrok painted in legends is depicted as an enormous mechanical snake or elongated dragon, stalking behind large asteroids and gutting his quarry with appropriated weaponry. Only eye witnesses ever gave account of what Nabrok may have looked like, his image has never successfully been recorded by digital imagery.   His infamy reached its apex in the 26th century at which time the central alliance dispatched Resolution, an EMC cruiser to eliminate Nabrok. It was eventually found destroyed and derelict but unlike previous victims of Nabrok, the high-tech cruiser was unstripped of its resources. The EMC was eager to promote that cruiser had succeeded in destroying Nabrok, and that his remains were propelled into deep space by the cruiser's weaponry.   Most believe that nabrock was destroyed in the battle, or that he narrowly survived and decided it was time to retire. Various merc factions would move into the asteroid belt to fill the vacant raiding niche, until the asteroid belt was finally mined empty in the 28th century, during the construction of the shell. Nabrok has not been seen 400 years. Some say that Nabrok was a ruse created by the EMC to justify annexing the asteroid belt. Others believe that Nabrok was a spirit and that when the asteroid belt was harvested clean, the spirit was dispelled.   Some say Nabrok will return someday, larger than ever, to devour the world.


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Aug 30, 2024 18:25 by Evilyn Carnate

Crossing the devide hear from fantasy into sci-fi, and glad I did - this is such a cool take on an end-of-the-world myth. It never occured to me that the actions of an individual could fan their notoriety into such an inflated myth that the myth itself becomes a vehicle for their notoriety. genius! :)

Aug 30, 2024 21:11 by Will Written

Aw shucks! Thank you! Nabrok keeps a special place in my heart.