Congregation of the Moon Organization in Novellia | World Anvil
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Congregation of the Moon

The Congregation of the Moon (Not to be confused with the Druidic Circle of the Moon) believe that wolfs are sacred and werewolves are the purest form a humanoid can take. The Congregation are fairly secretive and cannot be found near any major settlements. Those who wish to join must venture into the wilds on their own during a full moon and hope that the Congregation is looking out for them before they are torn apart by any creatures that may be watching them as well.   While they believe in the purity of the werewolf form, they also believe that only the purest among their ranks are worthy of the transformation. They also believe that too many werewolves dilutes the forms purity and will only allow one of their members to turn at any one time. This member is not necessarily the leader of the congregation but are regarded as a chosen one type figure and are treated as royalty. The transformation process can only occur once per year at the first full moon after the winter solstice, also known as Wolve's Eve. Rare moments in history have seen the winter solstice fall on a full moon and these nights are considered sacred enough that two of their rank can be turned into a werewolf.   The Congregation of the Moon dwell in and around wolf dens and do not tame the wolves, rather they live as equals. The worshippers hunt, sleep and patrol in small humanoid and wolf groups and form one pack. Wolf cubs and any humanoid children that are born in the congregation are raised in the ways of the wolf, creating some truly savage packs throughout history.   Generally members of the Congregation are peaceful if encountered in the wild, but will quickly strike should they feel threatened in any way. Their wolf companions and wild temperament make for a dangerous foe.
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
The Congregation; The Moonies; The Wolf People

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