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Fourth Moon 20, 4E 200

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Editorial Team

Two centuries have passed since the end of the Last War, when peace began between the two great empires of Noveska.   To the East, the continent Adria, and the Adrian Empire - the empire of Men. To the West, the continent Thelandyr, and the Thelandryn Empire - the empire of Elves. And between them, at the heart of the Sea of Serenity, the capital city Unity rises above the Serenity Isles -- a beacon of peace between two empires after centuries of war. Ruled in equal part by Emissaries from each of the many kingdoms of Thelandyr and Adria, Unity represents the result of a months-long peace negotiation at the end of the Last War two hundred years past. The Adrian and Thelandryn Empires agreed to denounce all violence and oppression against each other, to leave their long and bitter pasts behind them in favor of a respect for their common heritage, and to submit to governance and oversight by one united capital. Their affairs in their own lands would be their own, and each would make no effort to interfere with the other.   Despite the initial skepticism and hesitations of both parties, an increasingly stable peace has taken hold in Noveska since the Unity Accord. Along with the two great Empires, most of the Old Kingdoms of Noveska have joined in the Unity Accord as well, forming one united government to oversee them all. Although the past two hundred years have seen a fair number of disputes and conflicts between these various kingdoms; generations have passed since full scale war has taken place between the Adrian and Thelandryn Empires.   To the East, Adria has seen two centuries of unprecedented prosperity. Without the expense and distraction of war with the West, the Adrian Empire has expanded its reach as far as the Jade Dynasty, uniting a patchwork of once independent kingdoms under Adrian rule. The Old Kingdoms of Adria joined the aggressively expanding Adrian Empire with varying degrees of enthusiasm, brought into the fold by the promise of prosperity.   To the West, Thelandyr has seen a slower, if perhaps more deliberately measured, growth. The Thelandryn Empire has grown exponentially in prosperity and strength, and new settlements have been constructed as far north as the Glacial Delta at the cusp of the White Void. However, most of the Old Kingdoms of Thelandyr remain independent -- remnants of a time before the Ageless Turmoil, when Elves and Men were driven out of their homeland and came to Noveska. The Thelandryn Empire, less inclined to assert its dominion over the other denizens of the continent, continues its efforts to broker peace and alliances with the Old Kingdoms -- with a measure of success in many cases.

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