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History of the Unified Empire

A timeline of key events starting from the annointing of Caestrianna to the present day in the year 2583 of The Unified Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Tuskaryn

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    The Anointing of The Blessed Lady
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Caestrianna Feathertouch, an astral elf maiden from another plane, received a vision from Corellon instructing her to travel to the plane of Novorea and establish a shrine to him in the newly established elven kingdom of Tuskaryn.

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    Establishment of the Shrine of Corellon

    Caestrianna arrives on the plane of Novorea in the Valley of Solace, finding a glade in the Deepwood next to a burbling spring that sits on a confluence of ley lines. Determining the spot to be the perfect site on which to construct a shrine to Corellon, she enlisted the help of some local goblins to build a simple shrine in exchange for blessing some of their hunting parties.

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    Sermons in the Deepwood
    Religious event

    In the months after the founding of her shrine, Caestrianna began giving sermons to those who attendeded, drawing large crowds of locals -- mainly elves, but from other races as well... even goblinoid races chafing under the rule of their conquerers.

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    Pilgrimage of Elnar the Esteemed
    Religious event

    Eventually, Elnar the Esteemed, who was the newly crowned king of that region (called Tuskaryn by its new elvish rulers), heard word of her rising influence and set out to see for himself the source of all the tales, making a royal progress through the area and stopping at the shrine to pay homage. The momentary stopover stretched and stalled, until Elnar received a vision from Corellon that he should build his new capital at that spot.

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    The Marriage of King Elnar the Esteemed and the Blessed Lady Caestrianna Feathertouch

    During the course of planning out the new Tuskaryn capital, Elnar and Caestrianna fell in love and were wed in the spring. In this way, they bound not only themselves together, but the edifices of Church and State in the Tuskaryn kingdom.

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    Writing of the Book of Stars
    Artistic creation

    Settling into her dual roles of High Priestess of Corellon and Queen of Tuskaryn, Caestrianna experienced a number of visions and revelations from Corellon, which she wrote down in a series of works collectively called the Book of Stars. In addition to the tenets of the faith, she included a number of prophecies in the book, including: one regarding her death, another her resurrection after eight years of stasis, another the founding of a holy Unified Empire, and another regarding the ultimate reincarnation of her and her husband to join together and lead the Empire once more into immortality.

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    The Birth of Prince Aestyrial Eidelwood
    Life, Birth

    After five years of marriage, King Elnar and Queen Caestrianna were gifted with their only child, the prince Aestyrial

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    The Assassination of King Elnar the Esteemed and the Blessed Lady Caestrianna Feathertouch
    Life, Death

    In the middle of summar of the thirteenth year of the Kingdom of Tuskaryn, a team of orcish, goblin, and hobgoblin commandoes infiltrated the royal residences and assassinated the King and Queen. In the reflexive pogroms that followed, many of the goblinoid species settled in areas of Taerneval were slaughtered or driven from their homes.

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    Assassination of Prince Aestyrial and Resurrection of The Blessed Lady
    Life, Death

    Mimicking the assassinations eight years earlier, the Prince is assassinated by other goblinoid resistance fighters, leading to another period of violent pogroms and collective mourning. However, one month later (and in keeping with her prophecy), the corpse of Queen Caestrianna (kept in reverant stasis in the basilica) jolts to life and returns to lead and heal the grieving nation.

The Unified Empire

22 and beyond

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    The Cleansing of Sindara
    Population Migration / Travel

    Enraged by the murders of her husband and son and another attempted coup, The Blessed Lady roots out the goblin insurgency and forcefully expels non-elvish beings from Sindara.

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    Conquest of Eskuritakh
    Military: War

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    Annexation of Kuomiri
    Political event

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    Annexation of Baskerlynde
    Political event

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    Conquest of Ots'imori
    Military: War

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    Pacification of the Windward Isles
    Political event

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    The Passing of the Blessed Lady and Anointing of the Godking
    Life, Death

    At the end of a long life, The Blessed Lady relinquishes her hold on the throne and grants immortality to her right-hand, Evain Starfall. She prophesizes that he will oversee two millenia of prosperity for the Empire, and bids him take care of all that she has built. Then, she lays herself to rest and passes from this plane, to commune with her love, King Elnar in the Blessed Realm.

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    First Death and Resurrection of the Godking
    Life, Death

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    Second Death and Resurrection of the Godking
    Life, Death