Captain of the Guard

The Captain of the Guard is the military leader of the Silvan Guard who organises the defense efforts such as patrol and also spontaneous defense efforts when the Verdantien forests are overrun by enemies. This title is always worn by a strong and famous warrior who has proven their efficacy and their skill, but also demonstrated their leadership abilities in former positions as they move through the ranks, starting as squad leader, then continuing on to sergeant, lieutenant, and then captain. The position is voted on every five years where the current captain is re-evaluated and potentially replaced, but usually only if a very strong criminal charge is placed on the current captain or they are stepping back from that position voluntarily. The maximum someone can serve as Captain of the Guard is one hundred years, after that they will have served at least 150 years (if they rose through the ranks extraordinarily quickly) and 150 years is the maximum someone can serve in front-line military service...   Former Captains of the Guard often retire into overseeing the training from the back lines, going into the Council to represent the needs of the Silvan Guard in politics, or being re-trained for medical or educational service. As the Captain is usually a well-educated and talented person, it is no hardship to find another place in society for them to be useful.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

At any given point in time, the Captain of the Guard can be dismissed by the Verdantien Council with a unanimous vote or the Captain can dismiss themselves for any reason and take a step back from that position.

Notable Holders

For a long time, Kywan is the holder of the title, and while they are a good military leader, they are also an abusive asshole in their private relationship with Aelan, who they promised to promote and let take over the title of Captain of the Guard, but then never followed through on that promise, until Kywan is killed by Nacek, Aelan's new partner, in an honourable duel.
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
The Captain
Length of Term
re-evaluation every 5 years; max. 100 years of service
Current Holders
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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Aug 21, 2024 03:14 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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