Electric Bracers

Electric Bracers are used in the Vrykron Army, in particular in the Vrykron Royal Guard, and they are a nifty piece of technology. When activating the bracers with a button, electricity flickers over the material of the bracers and potentially shocks an opponent in hand-to-hand combat, and if the guard is wearing a magnetic shield that snaps to the bracers (but can be dislodged with a short burst of force), and transmit the electricity to that shield, adding additoinal damage to shield bashing and other attacks. If a metal weapon hits the bracers or the shield if applicable, the electricity can transfer and shock the opponent.   It has properties that have aided the reputation of the Vrykron Royal Guard as ruthless soldiers and experts in their field, especially aided with top of the notch technology that leaves their enemies stunned in every sense of the word. It is one of the most recognisable pieces of technology integrated in armour serially and has become a staple of the innovation of the Liuden when it comes to defensive weapons technology.


The bracers are used only as armour and depending on your definition they can be used as a weapon.
The inventor of the electric bracers is a member of the royal family, the grandfather of Brode and his brother, who had always had more fun spending his time in the basement experimenting than ruling the kingdom. It's a good thing that he had a very diplomatic wife.
Access & Availability
The bracers are very expensive and special creations fit perfectly to the soldiers that wear them, making them a very rare sight indeed. It is not exactly a secret, but the plans aren't publicly shared with anyone, and it requires expensive materials, so it is very rare to see them on anyone but the elite of the elite and maybe one or two very ambitious students of electrical engineering.
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