Flawe's Holy Scripture

Flawe's Holy Scripture is a thick leather-bound scripture that Flawe carries with him every waking hour, that rests under his pillow when he sleeps, and that he reads with reverence whenever given a chance. This scripture is, according to Flawe, a copy of the words of his chosen deity: The God of Family. It entails detailed instructions on who counts as family, what family does for family, whether blood is thicker than water or not, what defines a functional family, and... well, according to most other crew members of the Exiles' Expeditionary Fleet the scripture entails a rather spicy romantic novel written by a certain B. Diqued. Flawe is convinced they're just fucking with him, and truthfully, Morwan is more than a little concerned about where this book came into Flawe's possession and why Flawe is so reverent that it is a holy scripture.   Maybe someone in the Exiles' Expeditionary Fleet will teach Flawe to read, someone like Rémi who values knowledge over all else and who has no qualms about talking with someone else about rather shameful and humiliating topics... or maybe even Rémi knows that it would break Flawe's heart to know that the values about family that he created in his mind after being left by his own family and by those who were supposed to raise him and by groups of friends and supposed family again and again all were made up and in reality he was holding the world's most imaginative smut novel. Ultimately, Flawe will likely take the belief that this scripture is holy to his grave, and the Exiles' Expeditionary Fleet will fight anyone who tries to open Flawe's eyes to the real origin of this book that has become a symbol of being a good family and taking care of each other for the entire crew.
Text, Religious


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Aug 9, 2024 14:57

A metaphor for all religion, really. Love it !