Mount Fyr

Mount Fyr is a hollow volcano in which the reborn grandsmith has built his new smithy. How he survives? No one knows. Most suspect magic, some suspect necromancy in particular, but in the end, everyone just knows that the grandsmith can be found inside this volcano which erupts every other week at random times and covers the sky in smoke and the direct environment in hot lava that kills everything in its path. Well, almost everything. Everything but the mysterious grandsmith that works inside this unpredictable beast and whenever someone has seen him (or claimed to see him), they described the grandsmith as not injured or only bearing injuries from his work. No burnt skin, no burnt hair... just this mysterious figure that lives in this mysterious mountain.   Around Mount Fyr, nothing lives. There are no trees, no animals, in an almost perfect circle around this mountain. Is magic involved? Probably. But nobody but the grandsmith knows what dies and why, how to prevent it from happening, or how to overcome this lack of growth to provide for someone else in these dire conditions.


Mount Fyr is located on a small island just ahead of the shoreline of the non-human continent, an island with a dead circle in the middle void of all life. It is a dangerous place to find, with the water perilous until you get close, and the heat of the volcano being noticeable with every step you take on the lava-covered ground. The air is heavy with smog and dust, and after spending some time here, each breath you draw in starts to burn your lungs (or respective biology). You will not find peace here, because there is a constant rumble to be heard under the ground, a tremor spreading across the land that leaves you shaking in your boots. And everything around you is dead, volcanic stone that destroyed and overwhelmed every fiber of living being once found here.
Alternative Name(s)
The Volcano™


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