
In a world where magic is either treated as a part of everyday life, among non-humans, or treated as an enemy, among human races, necromancers hold a special position and reputation. They represent not the wholesome healing magic, although they use the same strand of magic as the healers, but instead the cheating of death. And because death is not an ultimatum but the chance for a life to start fresh and be reborn, sometimes even reborn with the same memories, this avoidance of death is seen as having a weak mind and not wanting to let someone go, or an admission of guilt that in many religions leads to knowing that a rebirth would be painful. Because the potential of a living being starts to dissipate and be scrambled within hours of death, necromancy is further a  game with chance that the potential returned to the physical body is from the dead being and not somewhere else. People revived by necromancers often show a lack of memory, a change of character, and problems with motor control.   Further damaging the necromancers' reputation is the fact that necromancers don't always choose willing victims. It's not always someone begging to be revived before their death at their doorstep, or a family member begging the necromancer to revive their parent, their children, their partners. Not rarely, necromancers revive unassuming dead people to experiment with aspects such as whether humans can learn magic, if a murder can be solved by reviving the victim, which illnesses can be cured and which are a continuous death sentence killing patients over and over again... and to the victims of necromancers, these revivals and the lapses of memory or ability that often come with it, are painstaking torture that leads to trauma responses of various kinds.   In general, if a necromancer is exposed, they are – depending on the society where this happens — imprisoned, sent away, isolated, or killed.


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