Orcs’ Rations

There is a lot that orcs don't know how to do well or that they can't keep up with other more technologically advanced races. But when it comes to making food that is durable, long-lasting, and simple at the same rime, they ar ethe best there is to find on Feorth.    Most common among travelers on the road is a meal called Orcs' Rations that consists of a special kind of hardtack that is infused with herbs for iron and other mineral supplementation, dried berries, dried beef, dried fruit, nuts and seeds, dried vegetables for soups and stews, dried herbs for teas and infusions and medicinal purposes.   Everything in that mix is widely edible for multiple races from humans to fae, not only orcs, and the specific contents are applicable to various different continents. if you don't find a specific herb, you replace it with another.    One packet of rations add up to roughly 3'000 to 3'500 calories, enough to sustain a human, an orc, or a similar sized being for a full day of medium level of activity. Larger or more active beings will simply take two ration packets per day. It's usually not eaten in one sitting, but rather in two to three separate meals divided throughout the day.    Actually, there is a strong debate ongoing about whether or not this ration packet comes from orcs or not, and many other races tried to claim the original idea with the recipes... but the most historical records always point back to the orcs, when travelers left their groups with a new mindset on rations.    No matter where it comes from and who came up with it first, the term "Orcs' Rations" has been established world-wide, and by now travelers looking for it will find neat pre-packaged portions in most major marketplaces for a few coins.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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