Port Kêris

Port Kêris is a large town along the Northern coast of the non-human continent that has been established by the Moraen a few centuries ago as a trade outpost and has since grown in dimension as more and more people cast out of their hometowns go to the port city to find hire as a shiphand, a merchant, a mercenary, or one of the other various jobs available in the bustling town.   This is where adventures start, where destinies are forged, and where coin is earned.   Like most Moraen cities, Port Kêris has three levels. The lowest level is the harbour itself and where cheap inns and small apartments for workers dominate narrow roads that are flooded regularly. The middle level has some middle-class housing, stores and tradehalls, schools, and other public buildings. This level is flooded about once or twice a year, but no more than that. The upper level is the most expensive to build a house in and it holds some emergency response facilities and the higher class housing. This level is not flooded on a regular level, at least not enough to damage the buildings or their inhabitants. This is also where the political seat of the harbour is, as unconventional as it may be in this world for the harbourmaster to be seated as far away from the harbour as physically possible within city walls.   Port Kêris is known to be one of the most accepting cities on the face of Feorth, not asking questions, and accepting newcomers left and right. However, don't let this fool you into thinking it is a lawless place. Port Kêris accepts all in its walls, no matter their past, but break the law here, and you will be faced with very harsh and relentless punishments, even for perceived minor crimes like low-level theft.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Free Port
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank


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