Silvan Panther

The Silvan Panther (also Sylvan Panther depending on dialect) is a large breed of a jaguar with black fur, sometimes with a very subtle pattern at their hinds to show the pattern their coat could be if not for the black coloration that is deliberately bred into this race to keep them well-hidden in the thicket of a forest. But that is not the important cross-breeding taking place that makes the Silvan Panther a Silvan Panther and the most trusted guard and military animal used by the Verdantien Fae. What makes it special is that the Verdantien Fae managed with the help of some very skilled magic-users to create a modified crossbreed between a black bear and a panther. They are taller, they are stronger, they are wilder... but through centuries of domestication, these Silvan Panthers have become the ferocious but loyal and well-trained mounts for the guards that patrol the regions, able to carry their riders plus the weight of an extra soldier or even two to bring back the injured and fallen in a rush if need be (or to drag some prisoners behind for a while). They can spot intruders, sniff out inconsistencies in their environment, move silently through the thicket, and pounce at the smallest signal of their handlers, and tear an intruder to shreds. Or just pin them down. You know, a bear is quite heavy, and a large panther is no small feat to hold up either. And believe me, the Verdantien Guard are well aware of the strength and the power that these animals possess, and how well they scare off any curious travelers who think that by avoiding the official entrances, they can spy on some information. If you have the slightest hunch that somewhere nearby is a settlement of Verdantien Fae, you best be prepared to be thrown off the road, into the dirt, and have that monstrosity that looks like an exceptionally large panther on your chest as soon as your feet stray from the path. You will not see them. You will not hear them. But they will track you down.


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