
Solain is a Faean innkeeper and bard who grew up in a travelling bard company until she settled with her then partner, later husband, a human. Together, they had three children and ran a successful inn for adventurers, but the stress got to them and Solain's husband started drinking heavily. When intoxicated, he became ill-tempered, and Solain bore the brunt of his violence most of the time until he succumed to the addiction and the liver disease that followed. Feeling imprisoned in the inn she once loved, Solain offered her oldest daughter to run the inn or to sell it and share the profits, and when her daughter took the inn with gratitude, Solain fled from behind the bar, looking for freedom and recovering from her own escalating drinking habits on the road where she joined the Sovereign Shadows and started to feel less like a barmaid meant to serve and more like a powerful warrior meant to defend. While travelling with the Sovereign Shadows, Solain leaves her middle child with her oldest daughter — as both children wish to stay together — and takes her youngest toddler son with her, showing him the world, and relishing the fact that he appreciates her ability of storytelling like no other. Plus, she realises that no, not all men dislike the presence of children, as most members of the Sovereign Shadows adore the little toddler and actively fight over who gets to sit with him, who gets to feed him, and who gets to put him to bed... something which Solain had always thought would be her lone responsibility with the help of her older children.   Ultimately, she does return to her former job by opening a new inn in Vrykron's capitol that her best friend King Broderic I. visits frequently and that is located just at the foot of his palace. In that new inn, she can relive what she loved about the job — sharing stories, hearing about adventures, making guests smile, and serving good food and drinks.
Neutral Good
Current Location
black and coily, loosely tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark brown
Aligned Organization


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