
Strategar is an Ascendant, and like all Ascendants this means that after his death, instead of splittering and being randomised, his Potential was put back together at his rebirth in its entirety, and with the help of Necromancy, he managed to avoid death a second time. His body has since transformed, and he is surviving only on the constant and excessive use of magic as life support, but being born a human, he will deny that fact to his grave. For now, he is far more spirit than physical being, and takes advantage of his situation to appear and disappear to a mortal's eye as he pleases, travelling with storm clouds, and gloating that he himself can cause storms so bad they flood cities and drown hundreds of people... he can't. He travels with the storm to hide and advances his reputation in the world, but when it comes to his own abilities, he relies on the services of his "clerics" to keep him alive and stabilise his form. What he does do however is attack with the storm with a large polearm, using the disguise of a storm and the fear of most guards of his presence to assassinate disruptive politicians, and as a good friend and confidant of Emperor Lothar X., he often kills enemies of the Empire. Usually this means that he will kill them with the polearm and in the storm drag them outdoors to let them be washed away into deeper waters, or bury them in a mudslide, or so many other ideas he can experiment with in his sick and twisted mind, encouraged by the Emperor, enabled by his clerics, and held back only by a handful of people who spread the word on Strategar's real history and that he is not a powerful god, merely a experiment of Necromancy.
black swirls


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