The Cracked Theory

According to an outdated but still far-spread belief, the planet of Feorth is in fact a large geode, with a stone outside and harbouring gems in its core. Stable for now, it is rumoured that should the inhabitants get too greedy with the mining or a god intervine, this geode will crack open resulting in fractured shards of stone and gem to be catapulted into the vast openness of space, evaporating all life, and acting as a symbol of warning to any other inhabited planets that greed will be punished and planets might burst and crack and splinter, giving no one the remotest chance at survival and taking everything down with them as the gems in their cores light up the night sky in a beautiful but painful display of fragility and mortality.   There are numerous prophecies across the planet that share this ideology and warn of this cracking of the planet, that indicate that volcanoes are but first signs of trouble and of the stone surface weakening, and that the end is near. With these prophecies come paintings depicting the "new" night sky, with the shattered moon orbited by small pieces of beautiful gems – sometimes as a mural and sometimes as a real artwork in palaces using actual geodes hanging from gold thread around the tinted glass shards representing Sceard and warning the viewer of their own mortality. These pieces and murals are most commonly found in libraries or throne halls or temples, drawing the eyes of the viewers near in an instant and acting both as a warning and a beautiful display of colour.   While many scholars no longer believe in the Cracked Theory, they are yet to prove that erupting volcanoes do not result in any measurable decline of surface strength of the planet or that the planet's core is anything but gems or molten gems. The Free University of Vrykron is closest to proving at least parts, having the most advanced geological technologies to work with.


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