The Vrykron Royal Guard

Formerly lead by Brode, then by Govaert, the Vrykron Royal Guard is an elite force who provide security detail to the royal family of the Vrykron Kingdom. They have been trained under the direct supervision of the king of Vrykron, and it is common practice to train all royal children along the ranks of this elite group.   Being around the royal family every single day, it is not unusual for soldiers in the Royal Guard to form close bonds with the family members, and while there are no romantic relationships between guards and royal family members known to the public, brotherly relationships between the two groups are almost the norm.



The Vrykron Royal Guard consist of a total of 200 men, of which 30 are on duty every day at a time.


The Vrykron Royal Guard have powered electrostaffs as their go-to weapon, but one in the squad is also provided with a rifle as a ranged weapon, and every member has at least four daggers at hand.


Logistical Support

The required logistical support for travel and mobile response times is given as part of the structure of the Vrykron Army, including horses and wagons from the cavalry, additional troops from the infantry division, weapons from the logistical support, and so on.   On a normal day-to-day business, additional logistical support for the Vrykron Royal Guard is not necessary.


The Vrykron Royal Guard can demand support from the Vrykron Army which includes all divisions of the Army. Cavalry, artillery, infantry, medical staff, logistics support, and their supply chain. When push comes to shove, the Vrykron Royal Guard will be given priority over any and all members of the Vrykron Army, including their command staff.


Recruits come from one of two places:
  1. All children from the royal household (sometimes only boys but most common is training all children) are trained with the Vrykron Royal Guard and often decide to stay in the guard for some time to protect their siblings and their parents.
  2. Soldiers and recruits from the Vrykron Army who show a lot of promise during training or during their service may be approached by the royal family directly or the command of the Vrykron Royal Guard to first join their training and then, if they adapt well to the special forces trianing, their ranks.
Overall training Level
Parent Formation


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Aug 19, 2024 02:47 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's interesting that it's common for the royal children to train with the guard. I think the relationships that would form from this would help secure the loyalty of those who trained with them.