A diverse nation of humans, heteromorphs, Demi-humans and various other creatures under human rule. Here non-humans whilst titled as “equal” to humans are hardly treated as such. This is the Kingdom my character Mercius was born in. Narvaie is better described as a large Kingdom and is very rich in nature and magic
Narvaie was a land of vast riches wealth; spanning over two continents and housing many kingdoms and ideals. The lands were green and fertile, water and crops aplenty. The land seemed free from natural corruption, little in the ways of dark magic and demonic visitors. Yet despite this picture perfect nations appearance, it wasn’t free from the follies of man. Slavery whilst “frowned on” in the open, was a common practice amongst the nobles and criminal folk. Mercenaries and travellers of all types arrived within Naravie’s borderers in search of adventure, riches and a new beginning. Whilst Narvaie was not the safest of places, and suffered from social discrimination as humans were the dominant race and culture, many unique and rare creatures could be found within its walls.
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species