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NOVUS Every Major Event

Celestial Era

... 10892

The creation of NOVUS and the Gods
0 - 10892CE (Celestial Era)

  • 0 CE

    1 CE

    The Antediluvian Celestial Gods are formed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Before the world had laws and meaning there was endless and shapeless entities roaming around a forgotten and abandoned void. This void was home to powerful and ancient celestial magics that had no rhyme or reason; no rules that the entities had to follow. But with this truest freedom came truest empty. As there was nothing to bind these formless abstract creatures, there was nothing to shape them; they were in all regards “nothing” themselves. And yet after an endless age these creatures began to dream. Dream of things they could not understand for their dreams where of no such reality they could comprehend. As if dreaming of an incomprehensible desire in sharp fragments of their unknown wants and hopes. From these ancient dreams the void started to shift and change. Those creatures whose desires meant their entire being, became that dream. Their wants for something non-existent shaped their bodies into true shapes and from these manifested true forms the Antediluvian Primordial Gods where formed.

    From these Dreams 8 Antediluvian Gods where born;

    • Kirioshi - God of Nature and Protection
    • Nephthys - Goddess of Nature and Healing
    • Palalikranox - Dragon God of Space and Time
    • Esege Malan - God of Mortality and the Soul
    • Danu - God of the Ocean
    • Orcus - God of Destruction
    • Sarashmi - Goddess of Music and Sound
    • Pisatao - God of Control and Order

  • 1 CE

    157 CE

    The Lesser Primordial Gods are formed
    Celestial / Cosmic

    From the creation of the Antediluvian Celestials a world was beginning to form. Palalikranox created the flow of time and the space unto which a canvas of creation could be painted. Unto this canvas Kirioshi, Nephthys and Danu created a vast and complex nature. Many plants and rocks and caverns and mountains were formed; intermingling together in a chaotic dance. Vast and impossibly deep oceans cracked the earth as the colossal sized Danu swam his way through earth to create the water that would seperate continents. As he swam, the little cracks of the earth would expand creating rivers and canals. Whilst beautiful this land was empty and so hand in hand Esege Malan and Sarashmi created smaller imperfect souls to roam this earth. Esege Malan created the concept of their being; the finite life which these creatures would live and the way unto which they would eventually die. But these shapeless creatures were much like the Gods were before this beautiful canvas and so Sarashmi breathed song and sound into their forms. Singing tunes of hopes and desires that could shape these creatures as too did the desires shape the Gods. But the world whilst beautiful and free, was chaotic and unordered. And so Pisatao created order; perfected Esege Malan’s design and merged Palalikranox’s dream with that of those of Kirioshi, Nepthys and Danu. From this order, Pisatao’s younger brother was formed; Orcus the god of destruction. Orcus made sure none of these new lesser creatures would damage the earth the other gods so tirelessly made and so he created natural disasters, famine, plague and early death. But he was not evil and followed closely behind his brother, Pisatao to keep the order he so dearly loved.  
    Following this new formed world, several new Gods were created upon watching their kin fill their desires. These new gods, known as the Lesser Primordials, built upon the Antediluvian Celestials and created many new concepts and dreams.
      16 Lesser Primordial Gods where formed;

    • Nongshaba - Goddess of Animals
    • Avhallen - Goddess of Knowledge and Curiosity
    • Houjin - God of Spirits and Memories of the Dead
    • Meili and Mimir - Twin Goddesses of Fate and Destiny
    • Lokgir - God of Farming and Harvest
    • Saga - Goddess of History, Poetry and Stories
    • Zighor Avor - God of Plants and Forests
    • Myrna - Goddess of Seasons
    • Naja - God of Running Water and Streams
    • Anu - God of the Sky
    • Siea - Goddess of the Moon
    • Aramguol - God of War and Victory
    • Gesutan - God of Family and Blood Ties
    • Narall - God of Decay
    • Iiberat - Goddess of Violence
    • Shera - Goddess of Fertility

  • 157 CE

    1082 CE

    Race Variations and New Primordials
    Celestial / Cosmic

    For the next few hundred years, due to the efforts of the gods, various early races began to form and unlike before where each of these lesser mortal races appeared to be random in appearance and type, now they began to change due to evolutionary practices. Each mortal group began to favour certain gods and worship them, as well as choose unique environments to live in which changed their physical attributes due to natural selection. Some of these “mortals” became more magic based rather than fleshy and “ascended” to other realms.
      Also during this time new Lesser Primordials were created;

    • Magus - God of Magic
    • Lokh Shava - God of the Desert
    • Sept - Goddess of Death

    Alongside the creation of these gods, the mortal races began to become easily identifiable by new types. These mortals could be fit into the following categories;
    • Demonic
    • Divine
    • Neutral
    • Fae
    • Cosmic

  • 1050 CE

    Friendships and Allies are Made
    Diplomatic action

    Palalikranox, Danu, Nongshaba, Siea, Anu, Naja, Myrna, Zighor Avor, Kirioshi and Nephthys formed close friendships.
    Whilst Aramguol, Narall and Iiberat became close allies and like family, Sept being a spiritual and semi-literal incarnation of the 3’s daughter.
    Avhallen and Saga form a stong bond and create a spiritual child successor called Magus.

  • 1080 CE

    Behemoths are Born
    Life, Birth

    Following the development of mortal races, Palalikranox found himself falling in love with a mortal woman who belonged to the “Neutral” race type. Upon realising she would have a short life and be unable to bear his children as he is a behemoth in size, Palalikranox created the concept of “Truest Love”. If members of two races could not have children, a Behemoth Dragon would be born in their place; manifested by true love. With this new law in place Palalikranox also became the God of True Love, and the first “true” and “direct decedents” of Palalikranox were born. All dragons born to random races were connected to Palalikranox and became similar to grandchildren. Together with his love Hathor, Palalikranox had 7 children directly descended from himself creating the first Demi-Gods in NOVUS. His children were Va'nivinthan, Ghovenen, Mehanisayen, Ivorethius, Drahaviess, Shyroveun and Ehronen.

  • 1081 CE

    Union of Esege Malan and Sarashmi

    Whilst Palalikranox was busy with his creation of Demi-Gods, Esege Malan found himself falling in love with Sarashmi and proposed a union between them, which Sarashmi accepted. Born from their new found union, many new and unique races were formed and the two Gods gained new titles and abilities and their Dream changed. Esege Malan, God of Mortality and the Soul also became a Father of Creation and Hope, whilst his wife, Sarashmi, Goddess of Music and Sound, also became Mother of Emotion and Desire.

  • 1083 CE

    9991 CE

    The Tranquil Age
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During this age many mortal races developed and flourished, creating small civilisations and cultures, closely tied to whatever god they worshiped. No wars occurred and the only major incidents were minor squabbles between mortal kingdoms that were quickly and swiftly ended by whatever God ruled that area. All Gods, whilst having their own territories and relationships, where in harmony with everyone, with Pisatao being the de facto leader of the Gods, with Palalikranox and Orcus coming in a close second.

  • 1569 CE

    Celestial Counsel is founded
    Diplomatic action

    As there where so many Gods with unique abilities, territories and peoples, Pisatao formed what is known as The Celestial Counsel where the Gods can meet and discuss important changes to the world of NOVUS whilst hearing everyones opinions and ideas. The realm where this council takes place was created by Palalikranox and exists in a timeless space outside NOVUS so any discussions can be talked for as long as the Gods desired without it effecting the flow of time on their precious world below.

  • 1582 CE

    Orcus falls for Sarashmi
    Disaster / Destruction

    During many counsel meetings where gods met to discuss many topics of importance Orcus found himself longing for creation instead of destruction which was who he was, and projected his self desire onto Sarashmi whom he fell in love with. Whilst he did not act on this love, every year that passed his love would only grow. As Palalikranox was the God of Love, he knew of his desire and attempted to aid Orcus, trying to help him move on with his feelings as Esege Malan would never give up his wife. Orcus refused Palalikranox counsel however, and instead said that as he is destruction, he could simply destroy his feelings for Sarashmi.

  • 1642 CE

    Houjin Creates the Astral Plane
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Inspired by different creations, Houjin created a spiritual atmosphere around NOVUS where spirits of the dead can reside and be called upon. This Astral Plane also became apart of the system of rebirth in NOVUS and an area where various spirits and metaphysical creatures could manifest.

  • 1844 CE

    Nephthys and Kirioshi found L’Taure Eska

    The duel Gods of Nature paired with Anu, Siea, Naja, Lokgir, Zighor Avor and Nongshaba form L’Taure Eskan Pantheon of nature gods and decide to found a new nation that the gods create outside of mortal design. This new country would be known as L’Taure Eska and any and all mortals were welcome to live there as long as they worshiped the gods accordingly.

    L’Taure Eska
  • 1920 CE

    Nongshaba and Gesutan form a Union

    Whilst L’Taure Eska thrived, Gesutan and Nongshaba formed a close friendship and eventually became lovers. Instead of creating a Demigod child or creating a new Law similar to Palalikranox, the two Gods decided instead to create a “new” race that would be their chosen and “children”.

  • 1968 CE

    The Death Gods develop Demonic Races
    Life, Birth

    Aramguol, Narall, Iiberat and Sept found themselves wanting a mortal race that reflected themselves, as they were some of the only Gods who had no mortals that really fitted their image and desires. Luckily for them however there was “demonic” races generally scattered around NOVUS that had no rhyme or reason. They where “demonic” as unlike other races they wouldn’t die unless killed and often fed on other races (they where distinct from neutral beastial races as those races aged and bred quickly whilst demonic races did not). Seeing this as an opportunity, the Death Gods approached Shera and the Gods of Creation; Esege Malan and Sarashmi to propose a uniquely “immortal” race that had a different rule set compared to other races. The Creation Gods liked the challenge of this new solidified race type, and with the help of Shera the Demonic Races were conformed. Thus the first Demon was born.

  • 2080 CE

    Beastmen Race are solidified
    Life, Birth

    Many of the races that migrated to L’Taure Eska found themselves becoming more stabilised in form, and the key races that worshipped nature took on more “nature oriented” forms. During this time Nongshaba and Gesutan finalised their dream to have an entire race as their “children” and with the assistants of the Duel Gods of Nature and Shera, Nongshaba and Gesutan created Beastmen. Beastmen are a race that take on Human features but with animalistic features and can also turn into the animal which features they possess. As Gesutan is the God of Blood Ties, a major feature of Beastmen is the concept of Blood and the purity of said blood. The more “pure” blood you had the closer you are to “God” (their “parents”) and the more powerful you where.

  • 2250 CE

    Danu adopts Ivorethius
    Life, Relationship change

    Before this point in time Danu was alone in his vast and deep oceans and began to grow lonely and bored. Shera, seeing her friend’s boredom and loneliness approached Danu and suggested filling his waters with mortal creatures he could rule over and observe. Danu agreed but had different plans. He wished to have children of his own but realised because he was so big he wouldn’t be able to have many. He fell into a depression and began to flood the lands which caused a commotion amongst the gods. Palalikranox seeing his friends sadness at his lack of children, offered Danu his most recent child; Ivorethius who was swiftly adopted by Danu. Using his magics with the aid of Palalikranox Danu transformed Ivorethius into an aquatic Behemoth and named him his “true blood” son.

  • 2251 CE

    Danu, Shera and Iiberat create aquatic life
    Life, Birth

    Following the adoption of Ivorethius Danu approached Shera who initially wished to help create mortal life for Danu, and decided to ask her again for what she initially intended. During this meeting Danu mentioned how he had heard of the Death Gods and their creation of Demons and how he also wanted a similar unique race just for himself. Shera thinking it would be an interesting idea, approached the Death Gods and asked for their advice. Iiberat, interested in Danu decided to go with Shera herself and assist Danu in the creation of his to-be people. Together, the three gods created aquatic life. Unlike the mortals on land however Danu’s people were extremely calm about death and his creatures were extremely varied. Some creatures were highly magical, others lives short lives, others were immortal. Some creatures were mindless and only existed to breed and die, whilst others were highly intelligent and even rivalled the Death God’s beloved Demons. Danu loved what he had created alongside his fellow gods and revelled in the chaos. Following this Danu become not just the God of the Ocean but Revelry as well.

  • 2298 CE

    God of The Craft is born
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Deep underground a pre-solidified dwarven race was forming alongside a giant race. They formed a friendship as Giants love fine crafts but could not create them and these pre-dwarves loved to make them. During this time an Ancient Primordial saw their bond and love for the craft and became the God of The Craft. His name is Ogun.

  • 3341 CE

    Magus creates the Aeternus Library
    Construction beginning/end

    After expanding their abilities with their parents Avhallen and Saga, Magus gained a new unique desire to create an endless Library of knowledge that would last for all time. With the help of Palalikranox, they created a realm within NOVUS where nothing could age or become effected by the passing of time. From there Magus enlisted many a curious mortal and set out on a journey to collect as much knowledge as they could. Magus also created multiple entrances to Aeternus but placed them in unique and seemingly random places so only scholars and true adventurers were the only people that could find it.

  • 3397 CE

    Goddess of Fear is born
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Following the success of the Death Gods and their race, a new Goddess manifested; that of Fear, named Persepus. She was immediately adopted by the Death Gods and became a sister to Sept. She was no where near as dominant as the other gods in power or will, but was content with being apart of all of their ideals. Wherever there was War, Decay, Death or Violence there was always Fear.

  • 3710 CE

    Ogun and Lokh Shava become friends
    Diplomatic action

    Whilst Ogun was busy in the mountains cultivating the craft, Lokh Shava found themselves highly interested in lavish jewels and gold. Seeing Ogun’s immense skill and prowess, Lokh Shava approached him and they became good friends. In exchange for minerals aplenty and any hard resource Ogun could ask for, he crafted all sorts of fine jewels, sculptures, and the like for Lokh Shava.

  • 3778 CE

    Lokh Shava creates the Golden City, Nh’tham

    Shortly following his friendship with Ogun, Lokh Shava began to become obsessed with material beauties and shifted his desire. Now he was not just the god of the Desert but also god of Gold and Commerce. He found himself bored in his endless desert and became sad seeing his assorted mortal followers not as lavishly decorated as he was. As it was common place at this time to have your mortal followers reflect yourself as a God, Lokh Shava became unsatisfied and once again inlisted the help of Ogun. Together they built a massively impressive city of Gold that rivalled L’Taure Eska in majesty. Lokh Shava was not satisfied however, and also approached Myrna the Goddess of Seasons and Lokgir, God of Farming and Harvest, to ensure that his Golden City would forever be fertile for his people. He wanted his followers to live comfortable, lavish lives of beauty and would not stand for any famine, unrest or ugliness. As a result of this wish he also gained a minor attribute of Greed, making him the God of the Desert, Gold, Commerce and Greed.

  • 9991 CE

    Orcus Rapes Sarashmi
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ever since Orcus originally fell in love with Sarashmi he had been blocking yet building up his feelings to the point of obsession. He had become the God of Destruction, Deceit and Jealousy whilst his fellow gods were none the wiser, He had began plotting how to take Sarashmi for himself. One night he went to Sarashmi asking for her aid in creating a new life form, using the guise that he had no single race worship him and wished for that to change. Believing Orcus was a good friend and trustworthy, Sarashmi followed him back to his domain, where he forced himself on her hoping that their union would result in him becoming more like her. Esege Malan, worried for his wife as she had not returned in some time, used their shared Desire to find her, only to see she was trapped within Orcus’s chaotic realm. Calling on Palalikranox, Pisatao and Kirioshi to aid him, the Gods quickly broke into Orcus’s realm and rescued Sarashmi before further harm could be done. There, Pisatao and Palalikranox bound Orcus to a section of the Celestial Council to await a trial to determine what to do with him.

  • 10000 CE

    Orcus is put on Trial
    Civil action

    For the first time in history, one of the Gods had harmed another and broke the delicate order Pisatao had cultivated. As a result of this, Orcus was put on the first ever trial and was sent to be forever locked away in a newly created chamber within the Celestial Council, to only be awakened when Sarashmi herself said the word. Whilst he could not move or interact with NOVUS in any way, he was conscious and could only act as a helpless observer. During this time as well, Pisatao also became the God of True Balance, and took on his brothers destruction duties, upholding the balance of NOVUS by himself.

  • 10001 CE

    10320 CE

    Orcus convinces the Gods of Death
    Diplomatic action

    Orcus, growing even more hateful at his imprisonment, started to conjure a strange idea that the gods, specifically the gods of creation; Pisatao, Palalikranox, Esege Malan and Sarashmi were out to get him. He began sorting gods into 2 categories; god of creation and destruction, using this as a means to decide who his “comrades” and “enemies” were.   He had decided that his allies where;

    • Houjin
    • Aramguol 
    • Narall
    • Iiberat
    • Sept
    • Lokh Shava
    • Persepus
      Coming this conclusion, Orcus contacted these gods and tried to convince them that Pisatao was going to turn on them and lock them away next, as just like him, they were a form of destruction. Whilst many did not believe Orcus, the 3 gods of death; Aramguol, Narall and Iiberat started to become concerned over the safety of their children and were convinced.

  • 10890 CE

    Distrust forms amongst the gods
    Life, Relationship change

    Following the manipulation of the death gods, unrest began to grew, and Orcus became a beacon of controversy. A common sentiment of Orcus being an evil fiend began to brew, and many who had friendships with the god in the past were seen as a potential “evil” as well. This started to make Orcus’s warnings to the death gods appear true.

  • 10891 CE

    Esege Malan kills Narall’s mortal body
    Life, Death

    The death gods started to believe a lie Orcus was perpetuating; that Sarashmi slept with Orcus willingly, Esege Malan becoming so jealous he made up a major lie. The death gods, not knowing what to believe and so they confronted Esege Malan, with Narall speaking for them. Believing Narall to be in league with Orcus, in a fit of rage Esege Malan destroys Narall’s body, forcing his soul back into the endless void. This is the breaking point that cause the gods to outright go to war.

  • 10892 CE

    10893 CE

    Gods of Death demand justice
    Political event

    Seeing their friend and loved one getting murdered, all gods of death demand action to be taken against Esege Malan. However, the pervious distrust and belief that the gods of death were under Orcus, and more so that they took Sarashmi’s rape so lightly; accusing her of lying, cased many more to grow distrustful. Pisatao found himself in a complex dilemma, as if he punished Esege Malan, it would be seen as just by the Gods of Death, but completely unwarranted by Esege Malan who believed truly that Narall played a part in his wife’s rape. To punish Esege Malan or not would directly appear that Pisatao was taking a side. Nevertheless the gods of death frequently demanded for the justice of their loved one, who had to slowly obtain a new form.

The Great Collapse

10892 60659

The era of great war and destruction between the Gods
10892 - 60659CE (Celestial Era)

  • 10892 CE

    10893 CE

    Gods of Death demand justice
    Political event

    Seeing their friend and loved one getting murdered, all gods of death demand action to be taken against Esege Malan. However, the pervious distrust and belief that the gods of death were under Orcus, and more so that they took Sarashmi’s rape so lightly; accusing her of lying, cased many more to grow distrustful. Pisatao found himself in a complex dilemma, as if he punished Esege Malan, it would be seen as just by the Gods of Death, but completely unwarranted by Esege Malan who believed truly that Narall played a part in his wife’s rape. To punish Esege Malan or not would directly appear that Pisatao was taking a side. Nevertheless the gods of death frequently demanded for the justice of their loved one, who had to slowly obtain a new form.

  • 10895 CE

    Gods of Death attack Esege Malan
    Life, Crime

    Despite all their pleadings, all 5 Death Gods (physically excluding Narall as he was bodiless) decided to take matters into their own hands and confront Esege Malan directly. They demand he create a new body for Narall, but Esege Malan refused, not forgiving Narall for “humiliating” his wife with such a lie. Iiberat in her rage attacked Esege Malan, Aramguol joining in momentarily to defend his spouse, before Persepus and Sept stopped them from killing Esege Malan. Esege Malan, left highly injured as the gods fled the scene, fearful for Pisatao’s reaction. Kirioshi, checking in on his friend, found Esege Malan and became enraged.

Rise of the Great Mortal Nations

829173 1512799

The rise of the Humans, High Elves and Demons

  • 829181 CE

    Danu splits the contentent of Willin
    Geological / environmental event

Great Elven Empire

1512799 1706279

The era of the High Eleves

  • 112 AE

    The Majority of Humanity is enslaved by the High Elves
    Life, Trauma/ Loss