Axiom Rangers


The Axiom Rangers are a group of Gearforged warriors, scouts, technical experts, and tracker who specialize in exploration of the Mekanos Infinitum. Their primary purpose is to recover inactive gearforged from the depths of the ever shifting chamber of the Mekanos infinitum.

The process of recovering inactive gearforged is dangerous but necessary for gearforged peoples - akin to a birth for them. The Axiom Rangers take this responsibility very seriously.


The Axiom Rangers use an informal military-like structure. Under the leadership of their a lead ranger, the rangers are organized into squads to go on expeditions into the Mekanos Infinitum. Cadence is the current lead ranger. Ranging parties are insular, relying on the absolute trust present within their squad to remain safe in the caverns.

Public Agenda

The Axiom Rangers have two main goals - to recover and to replenish.


Recovering gearforged from the Mekanos Infinitum is the primary purpose of the Axiom Rangers. Inactive Gearforged are inexplicably scattered through the Mekanos Infinitum. Some are found in settings that appear more like a factory, while others are found like bodies scattered on the floor, likely since the fall. Regardless, the Rangers take it upon themselves to restore these gearforged to function. Inactive gearforged bodies are often too large, bulky, or heavy to carry out of the Mekanos Infinitum. This means that the gearforged must be awakened when found. The Rangers have developed tools to awaken the soul gems within the gearforged body by stimulating the mechanical functions of the gearforged body. The process can take time to complete. When a gearforged is awakened, the are often disoriented and barely cognizant or in control of their physical and mental faculties. This combined with the dangerous nature of the Mekanos Infinitum means that the process of "birth" for a gearforged is often traumatic. Newly "born" gearforged must also traverse the labyrinth of the Mekanos Infinitum with the squad of Rangers who reactivated them, a dangerous process in and of itself.


Many parts make the gearforged what they are. While a large number of those parts can be made or created easily, some parts necessary for the continued life of a gearforged can only be found in the Mekanos Infinitum. Memory gears and everwound springs are two of the main parts for this purpose. The Axiom Rangers occasionally search for caches and repositories of these parts (or other useful parts) that are often found in the Mekanos Infinitum. Securing a cache when one is found is of paramount as hundreds of the gearforged rely on these parts.


Hidden Motives

The Axiom Rangers also have a number of hidden motives. A number of high ranking rangers seek to understand, master, or control the Mekanos Infinitum. Others seek answers to the gearforged origins and hope to find a true sustainable future for the gearforged.

Adventuring Party
Notable Members