

Pempas are a fungal organism native to the Iron Ring of Novus. and are common sought after as household pets. They are typical docile, empathetic creatures well suited as companions.

Basic Information


Pempas appear as very round fluffy creatures, with whispy, wool-like hair. They have four legs that end in hoof-like feet and two feathery antennae. They have small eyes and short snouts.

Genetics and Reproduction

As a fungal organism, pempas reproduce differently that other creatures. Pempas spread fungal spores, releasing them in larger amounts when they near the end of their life cycle or when they feel threatened. The force with which theses spores release can be explosive and surprising, especially to those who are unfamiliar with their form of reproduction. These spores collect in damp areas, forming a Pempas spawn pit. After significant time gestating, a litter of Pempas will be born from the spawn pit. It is widely speculated that Pempas have evolved to be so endearing to sentient beings so that these being can carry and spread pempas spores to wider and more diverse regions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Pempas begin life in a pempas spawn pit. These gestate pempas, appearing to be filled with fine fungal fibers slowly growing to entangle together. The spawn pit must grow to a large enough size to house about eight to ten pempas. This process can take a long time, depending upon the environmental factors, but once the pit begins gestating, the process of producing a pempas litter takes about four months.

Once grown, the pempas litter births, rising from the pit to find companionship outside. The spawn pit must undergo a months long process of regeneration before it can produce another litter of pempas. During this time, the developed pempas travel and live elsewhere, spreading pempas spores as they go. The live from about four to five years at this time.

In their final stage of life, a pempas will seek to nest, scouting about a suitable place to create a new pempas spawn pit. The fungal material of a single "dying" pempas is enough to kickstart the gestation process of a new pempas spawn pit.

Ecology and Habitats

Pempas spawn pits flourish best in damp, dark places. This makes them plentiful in the Iron Ring. Pempas prefer moist environments, but are capable of sustaining their moisture even in dry environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pempas are omnivores, through truthfully they only require water to live. Pempas afficianados have discovered that a solution of sugar water makes the ideal food for pempas.


Pempas are exceptionally docile and empathetic, rarely driven to aggression or melancholy, making them ideal pets.

When threatened, Pempas will actively defend themselves, utilzing their mass in a powerful headbutt or releasing their static build up towards the target of their aggression.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Pempas are thought to have an evolved sense of empathy that verges on being extra-sensory. This is manifest in the odor that they produce, taking on a scent tied to nostalgia or memory in a nearby subjuct. This ability makes them ideal pets as they fill their space with soothing or comforting scents.

Pempas fur is known for being especially prone to static build up. To relieve this problem, Pempas utilize their antennae to attract the static build up and release it. Usually this releases in a benign static jolt, but if the Pempas is stressed or has built up a lot of static from rapid movement, the jolt can be more powerful.

4-5 years