Guide to Buffs, Affects and Perks

Vanilla Perks & Attributes

About Vanila Perks & Attributes:

Each time your character levels up, you will receive an amount of attribute points (AP) depending upon your level. Players are given a maximum of 1925 attribute points (AP) once they are level 300 (on vanilla servers is 390AP at level 60), to distribute among the attributes. While the Max level AP to gain on our server is much higher than vanilla servers, it is not enough to max out all of the attribute lines, so spend them wisely. It cost a total of 275AP to max out each attribute line.     There are 7 vanilla Attributes that you can add your AP to. There are 5 Perks for each Attribute that require a certain amount of AP progression in to that attribute line to achieve. These are outlined below:   Attribute: Strength
  • Description: Strength "determines the damage that you do in melee."
  • Adds: +2% melee damage per point. (Ex: Strength of 10 provides an additional 20% damage to melee attacks. Damage is rounded to the nearest whole number.)
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Thuggery - Every blow you strike with a truncheon deals 100% more concussive damage.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Salting the Wound - You now deal 15% increased damage to enemies affected by negative status effects (ie. crippled, bleeding, sunder).
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Slice and Dice - Each light attack you do inflicts 10% more damage.
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Brutal Strikes - Each heavy attack now deals 15% more damage.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Blood-mad Berserker - Whenever your hitpoints fall below 25%, you deal 50% more melee damage.

      Attribute: Agility
  • Description: Agility "is a measure of your ability to act after a dodge". It also has a direct effect on armor. Faster time to act (strike, shoot, etc.) after a dodge.
  • Adds: +4 armor per point. (Ex: Agility of 10 provides 40 armor to your character.)
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Iron Endurance - Sprinting drains (25%) less stamina.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Cat-like reflexes - Falling damage is halved.
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Effortless Leap - Jumping no longer costs stamina.
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Nimble Tumbler - When dodging, your armor counts as double.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Extended Leap - Jump while in the air to do a second jump.

      Attribute: Vitality
  • Description: Vitality "determines the size of your health pool." Regeneration is used to refill your supply of health.
  • Adds: +4% of base health (+8 health at 200 base health) per point. (Ex: Vitality of 10 provides 80 health points to your character's base of 200 health)
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Deep Breath - Your breath timer is doubled.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Impervious - All temperature effects are now diminished.
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Fierce Vitality - You gain passive healing regeneration.
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Receptive - Increases the healing effect of consumables and dancers by 100%.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Gluttonous Gains - Eating food now counts as a healing potion, and provides a (10HP) healing burst at the beginning of the regeneration effect.

      Attribute: Accuracy
  • Description: Accuracy "determines the damage that you do with ranged weapons."
  • Adds: +2% ranged and thrown damage per point. (Ex: Accuracy of 10 provides an additional 20% damage to ranged and thrown attacks.)
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Eye for Injury - Crippling shots are more severe.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Trick Shot - Shots fired from your bow will ricochet if you miss your target.
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Steady Hands - All ranged and thrown weapons do 10% more damage.
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Flattening Shot - Heavy shots fired from your bow can push back and knock down enemies.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Shafted - Every headshot deals 50% more damage.

      Attribute: Grit
  • Description: Grit "determines the size of your stamina pool"
  • Adds: +3 stamina per point. (Ex: Grit of 10 provides 30 stamina points to your character's base of 100 stamina.)
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Strong Grip - You use 10% less stamina whenever you climb.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Barbaric Tenacity - You gain an additional 10% stamina regeneration per tick.
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Iron-hard Muscles - You gain a natural resistance to damage [+15 Armor].
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Fluid Swings - Your basic attacks cost less stamina.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Artful Dodger - Dodging costs less stamina. Stamina useage is decreased by 25%.

      Attribute: Encumbrance
  • Description: Encumbrance "is a measure of how much you can carry." (Carrying more than your max makes the player over encumbered.)
  • Adds: +7 max carry weight per point. (Ex: Encumbrance of 10 provides 70 points to your character's base of 70 max carry weight.)
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Balance and Counterbalance - You deal 10% extra melee damage while over-encumbered, but swing using 10% less stamina when not over-encumbered.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Sure-footed - Crippling effects are less severe.
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Pack Mule - Your max carry weight is increased by 10%.
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Deflection - You have a chance to ignore armor and shield durability loss when hit.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Momentum - While over-encumbered, you can move at full speed.

      Attribute: Survival
  • Description: Survival "is a measure of your ability to live in harsh conditions. It affects how easily you metabolize food."
  • Adds: - ~18% second duration on debuffs (For poison, default duration 10 seconds: 10 points ~ -2 seconds on debuff, 20 points ~ -3 seconds, 30 points ~ -6 seconds, 40 points ~ -7 seconds), +1 bars of temperature resistance (heat and cold) per 10 points starting at 6 (16, 26, 36, etc).
  • Perk level 10+ (15AP): Raw and Bloody - You do not need to cook raw meat to avoid food poisoning.
  • Perk level 20+ (+35AP): Waste Not - You consume half as much water when drinking from waterskins.
  • Perk level 30+ (+55AP): Hard Worker - You harvest resource nodes twice as fast.
  • Perk level 40+ (+75AP): Antidote of One - Invulnerability to poisons and diseases. Strength of detrimental status effects are reduced by 20%.
  • Perk level 50+ (+95AP): Bronzed Physique - All direct combat damage you take is reduced by 10%.


    Vanilla Buffs & Effects

    There are 5 types of Vanilla Buffs & Effects (combat, Survival, environmental, attribute, and ability)   Combat Status Effects:


  • The Bleeding status effect is a debuff that deals 1 point of damage every second for 20 seconds. Each time bleed is applied, the timer resets. Can stack up to 20 times and its damage ignores armor.
  • Double Bleed adds two stacks of normal Bleeding; it uses the same application mechanics, as well.  


  • The Corruption status effect is a debuff that reduces the Player's maximum Health and Stamina. If the Player is wielding the Blackheart Blade or Blackheart Hammer, maximum health and stamina is very quickly reduced to about 60% (if lacking the fourth Survival Perk). If fighting an enemy with a corrupted weapon, up to 50% of maximum health and stamina can be reduced at a rate of about 1 point per 5 seconds or completed successful attack upon the Player.
  • The Corrupted status status remains after death and can only be removed by being Entertained, eating the Heart of a Hero, drinking Cleansing Brew or wearing the Champion's Leggings.
  • Gaining Corruption - Is displayed when the Player is gaining corruption from an enemy's attacks. After 50% of the Player's health and stamina bar is filled with corruption, the Player can no longer gain further corruption, and this status effect will no longer be displayed.
  • Light Corruption - Is displayed when the corruption debuff has replaced between about 5-25% of the Player's health and stamina bar.
  • Medium Corruption - Is displayed when the corruption debuff has replaced between about 25-40% of the Player's health and stamina bar.
  • Heavy Corruption - Is displayed when the corruption debuff has replaced between about 40-50% of the Player's health and stamina bar. Heavy corruption will not go beyond 50%.
  • Crippled:

  • The Crippled status effect is a debuff that slows movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds and can stack up to 5 times
  • The Crippling Poison status effect is a debuff that slows movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds and ignores armor. Subsequent hits will reset the timer and continue to keep movement speed slowed by 25%, while also stacking damage up to 50 times.
  • Gouging:

  • The Gouging status effect is a debuff that deals 1 point of damage every second for 20 seconds. Each time gouge is applied, the timer resets. Can stack up to 20 times and its damage ignores armor. The Gouging status effect can be applied to the undead.
  • Note that, despite the name, the Gouging Blade does not apply the effect. This may not be intended.  

    Noxious Gas:

  • The Noxious Gas status effect is a debuff that does 30 points of damage every second via the Gaseous Orb, Poison Arrow, or Vapor Trap. Wearing a mask or helmet with gas protection prior to combat will prevent damage being taken. Putting gas protection on while already taking Noxious Gas damage will not stop damage being taken.
  • Poisoned:

  • The Poison status effect is a debuff that causes 2 points of damage every second for 10 seconds. Each time poison is applied, the timer resets. Can stack up to 10 times and its damage ignores armor.
  • The Crippling Poison status effect is a debuff that slows movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds and ignores armor. Subsequent hits will reset the timer and continue to keep movement speed slowed by 25%, while also stacking damage up to 50 times.
  • Sunder:

  • The Sunder status effect is a debuff that removes 10% of the target's armor value protection for 10 seconds. Can stack up to 5 times for a total of 50% armor value reduction.

      Survival Status Effects:

    Cooling Down:

  • The Cooling Down status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is being lowered through the use of drink for 90 seconds. Can be stacked with the status effect: Environmental - Cooling Down.
  • Warming Up:

  • The Warming Up status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is being raised through the use of drink or food for 90 seconds.
  • Alcohol Poisoning:

  • The Alcohol Poisoning status effect is a debuff received after having 5 or more alcoholic drinks consecutively. It can stack up to 4 times, dealing 2, 4, 7, or 9 points of damage every 5 seconds to the Player, and causes reduced stamina regeneration, which slowly eliminates stamina and prevents regeneration. It lasts for 3 minutes, 20 secs (200s), but it can be refreshed after losing Drunk and having 5 or more drinks again. A Set Antidote or Violet Curative will cure this effect but will not remove Drunk or Headache.
  • Food Poisoning:

  • The Food Poisoning status effect is a debuff received after eating spoiled or raw food (if lacking the first Survival Perk) that damages the Player every 10 seconds for 100 seconds and can stack up to 10 times. A Set Antidote or Violet Curative will cure this effect.
  • Headache:

  • The Headache status effect is a debuff received about 60 seconds after drinking alcoholic drinks. A Headache reduces the Player's max stamina by 50 and slightly increases their thirst rate for 60 seconds. Drinking an alcoholic drink again will dispel Headache temporarily, but it will return after 60s and last 60s.
  • Starving:

  • The Starving status effect appears when the Player has become severely malnourished and needs to eat something urgently to satiate their hunger or they will take damage every second.0
  • Thirsty:

  • The Thirsty status effect appears when the Player has become severely dehydrated and needs to drink something urgently to quench their thirst or they will take damage every second.
  • Regenerating:

  • The Sated status effect is a buff that will appear when your character is gradually regenerating health.
  • The Healing status effect is a buff that will appear when your character is rapidly regenerating health.
  • Encumbered:

  • The Encumbered status effect is a default display under the stamina bar that always shows the level of encumbrance or weight that the Player is currently carrying.
  • When weight carried is between 0-49% of total encumbrance, the icon is green When weight carried is between 50-69%, the icon is yellow When weight carried is between 70-100%, the icon is red When weight carried is over 100%, the Player is Overencumbered, or carrying more weight than their current attributes normally allow, and the icon is flashing red, movement is restricted (if lacking fifth Encumbrance Perk), and stamina drains much more rapidly.
      Environmental Status Effects:


  • The Soothing status effect is a buff that occurs when the Player has a neutral (neither hot nor cold) core body temperature that grants a health regeneration of 1 point of healing every second.
  • Entertained:

  • The Entertained status effect is a buff that removes corruption from the Player when standing close to an Entertainer (regardless of tier) and increases health regeneration by 5%. It can be stacked up to 10 times.
  • Cooling Down:

  • The Cooling Down status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is being lowered through the environment such as when swimming. Can be stacked with the status effect: Survival - Cooling Down.
  • Cold:

  • The Cold status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is lowered to cold and hunger rate is increased slightly.
  • Very Cold:

  • The Very Cold status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is lowered to very cold and hunger rate is increased slightly and maximum health is reduced.
  • Extremely Cold:

  • The Extremely Cold status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is lowered to extremely cold and hunger rate is increased slightly, maximum health is reduced, and damage is taken every second.
  • Frostbite:

  • The Frostbite status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is lowered to frostbitten and hunger rate is increased slightly, maximum health is reduced, and more damage is taken every 2 seconds.
  • Hot:

  • The Hot status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is raised to hot and thirst rate is increased slightly.
  • Very Hot:

  • The Very Hot status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is raised to very hot and thirst rate is increased slightly and maximum stamina is reduced.
  • Extremely Hot:

  • The Extremely Hot status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is raised to extremely hot and thirst rate is increased slightly, maximum stamina is reduced, and damage is taken every second.
  • Heatstroke:

  • The Heatstroke status effect will appear when the Player's core temperature is raised to heatstroked and thirst rate is increased slightly, maximum stamina is reduced, and more damage is taken every 2 seconds.
  • Corruption:

  • The Corruption status effect reduces the Player's maximum Health and Stamina up to 50% at a rate of 1 point per 5 seconds when in a corrupted environment. This status remains after death and can only be removed by being Entertained, eating the Heart of a Hero, drinking Cleansing Brew or wearing the Champion's Leggings.
  • Gaining Corruption - Is displayed when the Player is gaining corruption while in a corrupted area. The corruption debuff replaces their health and stamina bar up to 50%. After 50% of the Player's health and stamina bar is filled with corruption, the Player can no longer gain further corruption, and this status effect will no longer be displayed.
  • Losing Corruption - Is displayed when corruption is gradually draining from the health and stamina bar by being Entertained. The stamina bar will refill itself immediately, the health bar can regenerate over time or with regenerating items.
  • Light Corruption - Is displayed when the corruption debuff has replaced between about 5-25% of the Player's health and stamina bar. Corruption under 5% will simply show Gaining Corruption until the threshold has been met.
  • Medium Corruption - Is displayed when the corruption debuff has replaced between about 25-40% of the Player's health and stamina bar.
  • Heavy Corruption - Is displayed when the corruption debuff has replaced between about 40-50% of the Player's health and stamina bar. Heavy corruption will not go beyond 50%.
  • Corruption Removal - All corruption is removed instantly by eating the Heart of a Hero.
  • Noxious Gas:

  • The Noxious Gas status effect is a debuff that damages every second and can be stacked up to 10 times. Wearing a mask or helmet with gas protection prior to entering an area filled with Noxious Gas will prevent damage being taken. Putting a mask on after having already entered the area will not prevent damage.
  • Sandstorm:

  • The Sandstorm status effect is a debuff that will gradually damage the Player during a sandstorm in the Desert. Wearing a Sandstorm Breathing Mask or changing the Player's status effect to Sheltered will prevent damage being taken.
  • Sandstorm Mask:

  • The Sandstorm Mask status effect will display when the Player is wearing a mask or helmet that provides protection against taking damage from a sandstorm or noxious gas including: Sandstorm Breathing Mask, Setite Mask, Yoggite Chosen Mask, Mask of the Witch Doctor, Commander's Helmet, Chilled Godbreaker Helmet and Godbreaker Helmet. These items also protect Thralls from being harmed by gas.
  • Sheltered:

  • The Sheltered status effect indicates the extent to which the Player has some form of cover and shelter from weather and temperature effects. The more shaded the icon is, the greater protection is being provided by the current shelter that the Player currently finds themselves. A fully-shaded icon will protect the Player from taking damage during a Sandstorm. Besides building a base, the Player may be able to stand under or between certain physical landmarks or structures around the Map to temporarily gain shelter from the elements.

      Attribute Status Effects:


  • The Tipsy status effect lasts for 60 seconds after the Player drinks 1-3 alcoholic drinks. There do not appear to be effects for drinks 1-2, but the third drink will increase the Player's Vitality by +3 for 60 minutes. Subsequent drinks stack.
  • The Drunk status effect is a buff that lasts for 60 seconds after the Player drinks drinks 4-5 alcoholic drinks. It gives the Player +3 to Vitality for drink 4, and +3 to Vitality and Strength for drink 5. As a side effect, the Player will develop the status effect: Alcohol Poisoning on drink 5 and vision will become temporarily blurry.
  • The Yuo are pished status effect is a buff that lasts for 60 seconds after the Player drinks 6-7 alcoholic drinks. It gives the Player +3 to Vitality and Strength. As a side effect, the Player will stack the status effect: Alcohol Poisoning 2x-3x, and vision will become more blurry.
  • The Skwu. Hhnaa?! status effect lasts for 60 seconds after the Player drinks 8-10 alcoholic drinks. Drink 8 gives the Player +3 to Vitality and Strength. As a side effect, the Player will get the status effect: Alcohol Poisoning 4x, and vision will become even more blurry. Drinks 9-10 seem to have no effects apart from extending the Player's buzz.
  • Increased Strength:

  • The Increased Strength status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's strength attribute. Eating Icon Catfish cooked.png Cooked Catfish or consuming an Elixir of Might, for example, will give the Player +3 Strength for 1 hour.
  • Increased Agility:

  • The Increased Agility status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's agility attribute. Eating Icon Groper cooked.png Cooked Grouper or consuming an Elixir of Grace, for example, will give the Player +3 Agility for 1 hour.
  • Increased Vitality:

  • The Increased Vitality status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's vitality attribute. Eating Icon Anglerfish cooked.png Cooked Anglerfish, Icon Dogfish cooked.png Cooked Dogfish, Icon Moray eel cooked.png Cooked Moray Eel, or consuming an Elixir of Vigor, for example, will give the Player +3 Vitality for 1 hour.
  • Increased Accuracy:

  • The Increased Accuracy status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's accuracy attribute. Eating Icon Groper cooked.png Cooked Grouper or consuming an Elixir of Sight, for example, will give the Player +3 Accuracy for 1 hour.
  • Increased Grit:

  • The Increased Grit status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's grit attribute. Eating Icon Moray eel cooked.png Cooked Moray Eel or consuming an Elixir of Enduring, for example, will give the Player +3 Grit for 1 hour.
  • Increased Encumbrance:

  • The Increased Encumbrance status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's encumbrance attribute. Eating Icon rhino head soup.png Rhino Head Soup or consuming an Elixir of Numbing, for example, will give the Player +3 Encumbrance for 1 hour.
  • Increased Survival:

  • The Increased Survival status effect temporarily adds a bonus to the Player's survival attribute. Drinking Icon grog jungle.png Jungle Grog or consuming an Elixir of Ingestion, for example, will give the Player +3 Survival for 1 hour.
  • Increased Charisma:

  • The Increased Charisma status effect appears when a portion of the Player is visually enhanced for 60 minutes through the use of the Potion of Endowment.

      Ability Status Effects:

    Night Vision:

  • The Night-Eye status effect appears when the Player is able to see more clearly in dark conditions through the use of the Night-Eye Potion. Lasts for 5 minutes.
  • Stalkers Vision:

  • The Stalkers Vision status effect appears when the Player is able to see more clearly in dark conditions through the use of the Night-Stalkers Mask.
  • Underwater Breathing:

  • The Water Breathing status appears when the Player uses a Breathing Potion, which increases lung capacity for 60 seconds, Fish Gill Potion which increases lung capacity for 120 seconds, or Icon potion of dagonbreath.png Breath of Dagon which increases lung capacity for 600 seconds.
  • Iron Lungs:

  • Iron Lungs: Lung capacity increased. You can stay underwater for longer periods of time.
  • This status effect appears when the Player is wearing the Underwater Breathing Mask or the Aspect of the Drowned.  


  • The Wanderlust status effect appears when the Player is wearing the complete Voidforged Vagabond set:
  • Voidforged Vagabond Mask,
  • Voidforged Vagabond Tunic,
  • Voidforged Vagabond Gloves,
  • Voidforged Vagabond Trousers,
  • Voidforged Vagabond Boots which increases climb and swim speed.


    EEWA Buffing Systems

    EEWA Disclaimer - Light Sensitivity & Epilepsy
    We wanted to make our community aware as we understand that there are players who have sensitivity to light and/or may be epileptic. EEWA does contain some spells or weapon buffs that re-create the effects of lighting/storms within the game. If you have a sensitivity and/or are epileptic please advise your server/owner admin so that they may restrict these items for use so that you may enjoy the EEWA content. We do not want to cause anyone who play on our server, so please be aware that there are items that will cause bright flashing on screen. Below is a compiled list of items that could potentially cause bright light flashing:
  • Lightning Mastery (Purchased from Shadow Legion Commander Hosav)
  • Weapons/Armor with tooltips such as "occasionally creates a lighting/thunderstorm" for example the Stormbringer Blade or Mask of Thunder
  • Remember to play with care!

    Courage Buff System

    About Courage Stacking:
  • To gain courage stacks you will need to hunt down and kill 1 skull and 3 skull bosses around the Exiled Lands.
  • When killing enemy 1 Skull or 3 Skull bosses, you will gain Courage stacks which will show up as a buff on your screen with your amount of stacks next to it (1 Skull bosses = +1 to courage stack & 3 Skull bosses = +3 to courage stack).
  • Courage can stack up to a max of 100 stacks, and by default each stack makes you deal 0.5% increased damage vs NPCs. (50% at 100 stacks).
  • You will not lose your Courage Stacks if you die to: another player, fall off a cliff, remove your bracelet etc.
  • However, If you die to an NPC/thrall you will lose all Courage stacks
  • Courage stacks will also remain even after you have log out. Just keep in mind that when you log back in, that it might take some time for your character profile to load and for your stack to appear. In some cases they may not become visible to you until after your character dies, as it allows the code for the courage system to initialize properly.
  • Each stack of Courage grants bonus damage versus NPCs (Bonus per Courage Stack is 0.005 = 0.5%).
  • Please note that the courage stack damage should stack with any "weapon" (i.e AoC magic)  

    Augment Buff System

    About Augmentations:
  • Augments can be used to enhance your capabilities in combat. Enabling you to build your own bonuses and set up your own build. Whether that be a defensive build, aiming to grant you armor or vitality when hit, or a more offensive build with pure damage augments.
  • These Augments can be obtained by defeating bosses and gaining a Augment Incantation, once used will grant you a random augment.
  • Depending on the rarity of the Incantation itself, you may need Augment Points to use it, the higher the Rarity, the more Augment points you need. But the chance of getting a higher tier Augment is also increased.
  • You may also complete missions to gain Augment Points, Experience and RP, and these are repeatable.
  • Missions are located on the right hand side panel. You may have to open this panel, bottom of the centre panel you will see "more info" or "less info" if the panel is already open.
  • Augment incantations can be obtained by various bosses from EEWA as well as Bounty Monsters
  • Common Augments can be used immediately and don't require points, these can be purchased from the Shadow Legion Commander Hosav.
  • Rare and Epic Augments can also be purchased from the Shadow Legion Commander.
  • Epic, Rare and Legendary Augments require points to learn their incantations.
  • To gain augment points you'll need to dismantle augments you already own.
  • The higher the augment you dismantle the more points you will receive.
  • Unless you dismantle your augments, they will be kept.
  • Click assign beside your augment then click on a slot to assign it to that augment slot. You can slot up to 7 augments.
  • Augments will work on weapons that have a tooltip/modifier weapon quality of High-Grade or Legendary only. However, Legendary Augments will only work with legendary weapons.
  • Buff Augments will grant you buffs with each attack or when you are attacked. Only one buff can trigger at a time. It will randomly select a buff to apply if you have more than one buff Augment assigned
  • Type
    Guide, How-to
  • Conan Exiles Wiki Info - Conan Exiles content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Funcom.
  • AoC Info - The Age of Calamitous content and materials are copyrights of Anarious Productions, & Espen Gravdahl Johansen.
  • EEWA Info - Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal content and materials are copyrights of Hosav.