Guide to Thralls: Feeding and Capturing

Thralls are player-allied NPCs in Conan Exiles. They can be captured and recruited by the player to be used as servants, either working at crafting stations, as companions following the player, or as lookouts guarding buildings. Newly placed thralls are relatively weak and require support from you and, if possible, good Armor and weapons to survive. At higher levels, their ability to withstand damage increases and appropriate leveling areas may include the Jungle, Shattered Springs or the Unnamed City to increase experience. At high levels, their ability to withstand damage will exceed yours and make them fine tanks with agro control. Similarly, ranged-leveled thralls, appropriately placed, provide excellent defence for your base.  


  • Thralls don't have to be fed, as they depend on a decay timer. If you do not log in in 15 days they will disappear. They will consume preferred food in their inventory for healing when wounded.
  • Thralls cannot die from hunger and will not lose any HP due to lack of food over any period of time.
  • The foods shown in their inventory screen provide an increased chance to gain various stat points upon leveling; as well as a Strength buff, visible on their health bar. Usually visible during combat. You can also see their buff on the information screen.
  • Feeding thralls specific foods give an increased chance to specific attributes when they gain a level. These buffs do not stack.
  • Regeneration per second lasts for 10 seconds per piece. HPS = healpoints per second in the chart below.
  • Preferred Food:

  • Cooked Pork Rinds,
  • Shredded Roast,
  • Grilled Steak,
  • Cooked Fish,
  • Roasted Haunch,
  • Gruel,
  • Exquisite Stew,
  • Lasting Feast,
  • Enhanced Gruel,
  • Exotic Feast

    Thrall - Capturing

    All thralls have an equal chance to spawn in any vanilla or AoC camp spawn. Your best bet is to knock out all the denizens of a camp, take the ones you want to your WoP and then kill the rest, this way more will spawn and you may find the job you are looking for.     Thralls are captured by knocking them out with one of the following items, by depleting the thin white bar above their health:
  • Truncheon,
  • Lovetap (has the attack combos of a Mace),
  • Iron Truncheon, Steel Truncheon,
  • Reinforced Steel Truncheon,
  • Blunted Javelin,
  • Szeth's Truncheon,
  • Blunted Arrow
  •   Using any of the following on Truncheons decreases the time needed to knock out thralls:
  • Simple Blunted Weapon Fitting,
  • Blunted Weapon Fitting,
  • Advanced Blunted Weapon Fitting
  • Those items can even be used on tools like Stone Hatchet or weapons to achieve knock-outs.   Interacting with one of the following items on them makes it possible to drag them, on foot or horseback:
  • Bindings,
  • Rawhide Bindings,
  • Leather Bindings,
  • Chain Bindings,
  • Bindings of the Dead
  •   It is possible to swim, but not to climb, or to use a two-handed weapon while dragging a Thrall.
  • Using either options will unequip the bindings and drop the thrall where it was when performing said action.
  •   Place them into one of these building (via interaction):
  • Lesser Wheel of Pain,
  • Wheel of Pain,
  • Greater Wheel of Pain
  •   Gruel, or most food, must be placed inside the Wheel of Pain to act as "fuel".   Thralls remain unconscious for 10 minutes inside any player's render range when not bound to any kind of bindings - longer when no player is in render range. Beating an unconscious Thrall with a blunt weapon (Truncheon/Blunted Javelin) will wear down on the thin white bar above their health again. The Thrall will wake up when the white bar has fully recovered, so wearing it down regularly makes the thrall stay unconscious. Though it is worth noting that while the thrall is bound with any kind of binding, the white bar will temporarily stop recovering.    

    Thrall crafting time:

  • Thrall crafting time, or the speed at which thralls can be produced, is affected by the level of the thrall itself as well as the level of a Taskmaster assigned to the Wheel of Pain. The type of Wheel of Pain has no effect on crafting times; nor does Food type.
  • Type
    Guide, How-to
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