
The Smuggler Leader is Freddie Draper, she is the second in command for the Rebel Core. Smugglers are similar to traders except that they sell illegal goods on the black market.
  • Smugglers have to use stealth, cunning, and special equipment to outwit any local law enforcement and sometimes military authorities, especially around towns, to sell their commodities at a profit while escaping fines, criminal record and inprisonment.
  • Smugglers work for the Rebel Core, their goal is to raise funds for the war that is building against The Foundation.
  • Although Smugglers may be of any moral alignment (Good, Neutral, or Evil), they are usually either required or pressured to maintain a Chaotic or at least non-Lawful (i.e., Chaotic or Neutral) ethical alignment.
  •   When dealing in stolen items looted from wrecks or stolen/relocated from the Mayor's imports, smuggling is also necessary as cargo is tagged and the detection of stolen goods will carry consequences.
  • For this reason, smugglers have a good relationship with the The Pirates Guild, who help them with smuggling items into the different Biomes, as well as allowing them to sell their Stolen and/or Illegal Goods to their Black Market.

    Smuggler Profession

  • Information Coming Soon
  • Alternative Names
    Rebel Thieves
    Financial / Trade
    Famous in the Field
    Other Associated professions