Trevon Tones

Trevon is the Trade Manager for the Weeping Canyon Trading Post. He lives in a loft above the Trading Post.     He was raised by Gran, who was the lady who found him in a basket washed up along the shoreline of the Misty Isle's. His basket was surrounded by broken ship pieces, and so it is believed that the ship he was on had been destroyed by pirates. He called her Gran because she would tell him she was old enough to be one. She passed away when he was 13.     Thanks to Gran and Captin Cornelius Corvine, he has never felt afraid of the sea. They have encouraged him to seek answers about where he came from. Captin spent years trying to find those answers before he was old enough to ask them, but unfortunalely, the best he could find is that the ship may have came from some where in land of the exiled lands.   Trevon joing the The Pirates Guild not long after Gran passed, but he could never find his sea legs, and so Captin suggested he stay and look after The Weeping Canyon Trading Post.  

Main Story Quest [SQ]


Main Story
Ask Trevon questions and pick your answer. (Please note that you only get one chance to pick your answer, so be careful as your answer may impact how NPC's view and treat you.)
Your River Biome and Riverside Trading Post reputation increases, and depending on your answer choice, your personality is further developed.  

Daily Quest [DQ]


  • Retrieve Cargo
  • 50 Gold
  • 5x Dogs of War Packages
  • 5000 EXP
  • an increase in Grasslands Biome and Weeping Canyon Trading Post Reputation.
  • Retrieve and deliver the new trade cargo.
  • Lizzie and her Merchant Ship has just made port down by the river. Go down and ask Timmens Chadic if they require help bringing up the cargo, you will find him down near Lizzies Merchant Ship at the Weeping Canyons Trading Post port location.
  • Courier Profession Quest [CPQ]


    Postal Delivery
    Package delivery or pick-up.
  • Varies depending on level and difficulty.
  • an increase in River or Grasslands Biome Reputation.
  • Pick-up Packages to take to the Trunk Express! Trade & Post Office in the Grasslands.
  • How to Get Started as a Courier:

    You need to talk to Caitlyn if you want to join the Courier Profession.
  • She will train you and eventually set you up with her connections in the other Biomes.
  • She will give you package's to deliver, and will help you fix any issues that may arise with the delivery.
  • You need to return to Caitlyn's sister Anjelica Corvine after each delivery for your payment.
  • Once you have been paid, return to Caitlyn to get your next assignment.
  • For further details on the Courier Profession: Courier
  • Children
    Current Residence
    Above the Weeping Canyon Trading Post
    Aligned Organization