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1st Royal Infantry Division

The First Royal Division "Sword of St. Tomer" is a infantry division of the Nuggian Army formed on Sepetmebr 1st 2571. The unit was formed out of components of various other regular army divisions in order to guard the King of Nuggia. The division pulls its members from the elite of other regular army and royal army divisions.  


The King's Guard

The King's Gurda was the first group tasked with theprotecting the Nuggian King. The King's Gurad was a civilian argency organized under the Interior Department. The King's Guard was formed with the former Presidential Guard formed at the end of the Nuggian Republic. Formed under the Natinola Security of 2472, the same bill which would form the Nuggian Knights, they were formed as a elite team of agents tasked with protecting the King.   Over time, the role of the King's Guard would begin to expand. they would begin to develop a secondary investigation mandate supplementaly to the Knights investingating internal threats in the Kingdom.  

Gregory I's Purges

Gregory I's rain started a period of purges throughout the Kingdom of Nuggia, with these purges extending to the King's Guards as well. The leader of the Guards at the time was Emilia Karanza. As the Keranza family began to fall out of favor with Gregory, the Guard's influence began to wane. In 2569, the King's Guard had its investigative duy stripped, with the staff shifted to the Knights. Additionally, the guards would continue to ahve staff stripped over teh course of the next †wo years.   The purges to the Guards would culminate in 2571 when Karanza was charged with conspiracy against the kingdom and imprisoned. She would be found guilty and later executed. With the execution of Karanza, the King's Guard was also disbanded.  

Formation of the 1st Royal

The Royal Divisions were formed as part of reforms to the military instituted by Gregory I during the Imperialist Wars. While the Nuggian Military had always been under the authority of the king, Gregory was displeased with the level of direct control that he held within the military. To this end, he created the Royal Divisions, a field army comprising of roughly 2 corps of troops. These units would directly serve the king with the Royal Army's command given to the king.   The 1st Royal itself was established on September 1st 2571 to fulfill the role that the King's Guard would previously hold. Commanders drew from the best of the Nuggian Regular army in order to form the 1st, as it was tasked with the defending the Nuggian King himself. It would achieve full strength on March 19th, 2572 and begin protecting the king in June 2572.  

Attempted Assassination of Alexander I

See also: Attempted assassination of Alexander I of House Baksworth   The biggest blunder of the 1st Royal was the attempted assassination of Alexander I. On April 18th, 2689, King Alexander I was attacked and injured by assassins during a state visit to Wusdelieu. An investigation afterwards found serious lapses in the security protocols defending the king. During the Nova Pax the 1st Royal began to relax security measures protecting the king due to the relative peace. The 1st Royal saw less security risks towards the king, which allowed the assassins to position themselves in positions that they could attack the king.  


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Aug 12, 2024 16:08 by Marjorie Ariel

Interesting that Gregory I instituted so many purges. I wonder how waranted these were.