Colonization of the Leteiran Cluster in Nuggia | World Anvil
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Colonization of the Leteiran Cluster

The Orion Arm and The Exodus:

Main Article: The Exodus
Humanity had carried itself into the stars bearing many of the same divisions that it had held when it was confined to Earth. Humanity's early steps into the stars was not a triumphal sign of the unification of humanity, but a scramble by the The Colonizing Powers to gain as much power and influence as possible. While the worst effects were mitigated to some effect by UN Resolution 234.0983 that declared all colonization within 1000 light years of Earth would be performed jointly by all the nations of Earth. But, this simply caused many of the colonizing powers to simply move further beyond to find new systems.   The rush of colonization would often the lead to tensions between the colonizing powers. The rapid pace of expansion would often mean that possible colonies would be claimed by multiple groups simultaneously, with final say often being decided by force of arms. It was in this period that the earliest warships were developed, leading to the militarization of space.  

Colonization of the Leteiran Cluster

Discovery of the Cluster

The Leteiran Cluster would be initially discovered in 2187 by a hyperspace exploration probe owned by the German Multinational Siemens. Travelling along what would later become the Golden Road, after travelling through the comparitively low compression Perseus Gap it would encounter a large region of hyperspace at initially 100% OMC and then 75% OMC. This low compression was important at the time because early hyperdrives were unable to select which exact linked particle that they exited hyperspace at. This means that of all of the possible colonization targets that humanity could see, only a small portion of them could be colonized because most exit points were well beyond the reasonable ability for humans to reach the systems from their exit points.


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