First Shadow Division Organization in Nuggia | World Anvil
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First Shadow Division

The First Shadow Division ("The Right Hand of Heath") was one of the three Shadow Divisions of the Leteiran Irregulars of the First Brother's War. Primarly focused on assassination, it was one the most elite forces of the Leteiran Irregulars during the First Brother's War. Formed out of the Shadow Companies that had demonstrated skill in assassination, including the vaunted 1st Shadow Company, they would go on to be one of the celebrated units of the First Brother's War.  

Operations and Role

As part of Army Order 96, the Shadow Companies fielded by the Leteiran Irregulars were organized into divisional sized units for to aid in training, logistics, and to concentrate experience. Formed out of some of the most capable assassins and marksmen of the Irregulars, the Grim Reapers primarily focused on assassination and high value target elimantion. The most decentralized of the Companies, they would often be deployed in just platoon sized units in order to take out local and regional commanders. Their efforts would cause chaos across the lines of Orian soldiers.   Platoons would typically be commanded by a Lieutenant. The typical headhunting platoon would consist of two marksmen, one reconnaisance, and one guard squad. The reconnaisance squad would locate military facilities with high value targets. The marksmen squads would then wait for officers to kill. They would often wait for weeks to maximize the number of officers killed. This was in an effort to shake up the chain of command as much as was possible. The guard squad would establish and guard a base of supplies for the other squads to resupply and rest at between missions.  


Jansen's Fifteen

Jansen's Fifteen was a group of fifteen individuals formed by Frederick Jansen to assassinate the colonial governor of New Beginnings, Ariana de Rossi. De Rossi had been slowly but continually increasing manufacturing quotas under pressure from the American colonial government. She had started enforcing the quotas by tying access to the planetary food supply to compliance with the quotas. Adopting a policy she called "pound for pound," if the residents of New Beginnings were unable to meet the manufacturing quotas set by De Rossi, she would decrease rations by the percent that the planet was under the quota. While the quotas were initially not a problem, as they became more and more realistic the rations grew smaller and smaller and the population began to starve.   Hoping to prevent the situation on his home planet from deteriorating, Frederick Jansen, leader of the local bracnch of the Leteiran Irregulars, proposed an assassination attempt on de Rossi. Viewing de Rossi as the reason for the implementation of pound for pound, Irregulars high command would approve. jansen wa then given permission to choose a team to carry out the mission. Jansen would eventually decide on 15 people to carry out the mission. They would settle on a plan with three redundancies. De Rossi would be attending the annual founding day parade on New Beginnings, they would initially attempt to use a car bomb to kill de Rossi. If that failed, they would then attempt to use mortars to kill de Rossi. If that failed, they would have several snipers positioned to kill the governor.   While the assassination attempt would ultimately fail, the Irregulars would determine that the knowledge and experience gained from the attempt was valuable enough to keep the unit together into the future.  

Formation of the 1st Shadow Company

Initially, Jansen's Fifteen were maintained as a single unit. However, over time the the Irregulars would continue to grow. In order to preserve the growing knowledge base that the Irregulars, they would form the Shadow Company.  

Battle for Shinmon


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