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The Compression of Hyperspace to a Singular Point

A Theory on the Compression of Hyperspace to a Singular Point is a paper published in Physics Quarterly on April 1st, 2514 which would outline the basic prcinciples by which Hyperspace Compression was possible. Written by a team led by Roberto Micale and Anika Dreustaf it would become the theoretica basis which the Point-Space Compression Hyperdrive would be developed. The Point-Space Compression Hyperdrive would have wide reaching effects on the galaxy,  


Hyperspace Travel in the 26th Century

Prior to the invention of Point Space Compression hyperspace travel was lengthy and required signifacnt perparation. Many early long distance hyperspace journeys, such as those to the Leteiran Cluster, would even use cryosleep in order to reduce the supply burden on the craft. Methods to decrease travel times in hyperspace would be an important topic of research throughout from the 22nd to the 26th century.  

Anika Druestaf and Roberto Micale

Anika Dreustaf was a Professor of Hyperspace Mechanics at the University of New Liege. In the mid 2500's she would begin to theorize about the possibility of futher improving the efficiency of hyperdrives to allow regular travel deeper into the milky way. She would publish a number of early papers outlining the basic principles of what would become hyperspace compression. Roberto Micale, a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of New Arkansas, read those papers and contacted Druestaf to help her refine her theories.   The two of them had regular contact, continuing to refine their theory until they eventually prepared it for publishing. While they would get rejected by some papers, they would eventually be able to publish through Micale's home univeristy of the University of New Arkansas.  


The Compression of Hyperspace to a Singular Point contained the theoretical underpinnings of the Point-Space-Compression Hyperdrive (PSCH). Essentially, the PSCH would, through the use of electric energy and antimatter, esesntially annihilate portions of hyperspace from the frame of refrence of the PSCH equipped vessel. Hyperspace then stitches itself back together reforming the annihilated regions of hyperspace through a process that physicists still do not entirely understand.  


The Point Space Compression Hyperdrive would fundamentally change the fabric of the Milky Way. As the technology began to proliferate throguhout the galaxy travel times would begin to drop dramatically. Decreased travel times would increase trade and connection throughout the galaxy. The economic impacts that came from this would be compared to the industrial revolution and the internet.   The most dramatic impact of the PSCH would be The Great Northern Rush. With its advent, the Great Northern Wall, a region of extreme hyperspace compression dammed human colonization holding most the majority of the human population south of the wall, would finally be breanched. As the new frontier opened up colonists would begin to pour into the galactic north. These colonists would come into conflict with the


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