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Zhirmsfech People (ʒiʀm.sfetʃ)

The Zhirmsfech people is a Keloi of the The Kelodephi that formed out of refugees of the Years of Blood from the north eastern Perseus Gap.  


The Years of Blood

The area just south of the Northern Wall in the Perseus Gap was a hot spot of conflict during the Years of Blood. While the region was closer to the Leteiran Cluster, the region residing along the golden road allowed had easy access to the Orion Arm, and colonies owned by the Orion Arm allowed the Orionis powers to rapidly colonize the area. This made the region a focal point for the Leteiran Commonwealth's efforts to liberate the region. As part of this effort, the Commonwealth would send large amounts of weapons to local militias within the region. But, many of these militias were ethnic in nature and the Commonwealth would play that against the Orionis powers. But as the Commonwealth would turn into itself, that Anti-Orionis ethnic strife would begin to be targeted against the other peoples of the region.   While the Northeast Perseus Gap was still nominally under the control of Orionis powers into the 2500s, by the turn of the 26th century most governing authority had been handed over to local governments. But, local security forces had not been fully handed over to local governments yet. This gave militias almost free reign over the area with ethnic violence occuring without a preventative force. The first attacks would begin to occur in the early 2510s before spilling out into fullblown conflict into 2524. Conflicts would continue to rage until 2551, with minor attacks continuing for another three decades.  

The Exodus

The earliest refugees would begin to leave starting in the 2510s. The first organized expedition that would form the Keloi left New Gaborone on October 15th, 2526 for the galatic core. Other convoys would begin to leave the region to meet up with the initial convoy throughout the next decade. The New Gaborone expedition would arrive in the galactic core in April 2541. The newly minted Keloi would begin to contact the other Kelodelphi in the galactic core. They would initially settle for their first Chseled on the planet Mordor.


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