Protomatter Material in Numenera | World Anvil
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Level 6

Normally found within etched stronglass canisters the size of small houses, protomatter appears as a chaotic soup of thick, bubbling fluid. Protomatter is dangerous in that it tends to dissolve and erase anything it comes into contact with if not handled properly.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Protomatter is dangerous in that it tends to dissolve and erase anything it comes into contact with if not handled properly. Of course, this very quality can be used intentionally to destroy a solid object of up to level 6 that is doused in protomatter. Failure indicates that the protomatter boils or surges unexpectedly, dousing everyone nearby, all of whom descend one step on the damage track. Either way, the protomatter is used up.
Elemental / Molecular
60 io

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