The Steadfast

In the south-west of the unique continent of the Ninth World is a collection of territory generally called the Steadfast.   The Steadfast is a collection of kingdoms and principalities, comprising of nine different countries. Although each kingdom and principality has their own ruler, a figure called as the Amber Pope manage the Order of Truth, an Aeon Priests organization very respected in all region.  

Rival Rulers

Collectively, the rulers are often called the Nine Rival Kings, or just “The Nine”. These kings, queens, princes, and councils share no love for one another and truthfully have little in common except for a unifying religion. This religion, called by its adherents The Order of Truth (and by all else as the Amber Papacy), reveres the past and the knowledge of the ancients as understood by the enigmatic Aeon Priests. By decree of the Amber Pope, The Steadfast and The Order of Truth wage war with the lands to the north, believed by many to be enthralled by a secretive and mysterious cult called the Gaeans. Nobles amid The Steadfast are called to the Crusades, making war against the infidels with ever stranger weapons discovered or devised by the priesthood.  


Generally speaking, the Steadfast is more settled and civilized than the Beyond, but it can be just as dangerous. Communities are isolated. Travel on the roads is risky and nearly unthinkable at night — but at least the roads exist.