Dragon Vale

In the south-eastern reaches of a rugged and untamed land lies Dragon Vale—a realm steeped in the traditions of the ancient ways, yet uniquely inhabited by dragonborn. For centuries, these fierce and noble warriors have called Dragonvale home, their society shaped by the rugged landscape and the awe-inspiring creatures from which they draw their name.   The story of Dragonvale begins with the arrival of the first dragonborn settlers, who journeyed from distant lands seeking a new home. Drawn by the allure of untamed wilderness and the promise of adventure, they carved out a life for themselves amidst the towering peaks and mist-shrouded valleys of their new homeland. Over time, these settlers established eighteen distinct settlements initally one settlement for each color of Dragonborn, each being led by a Jarl, chosen for their strength, wisdom, and valor.   At the heart of Dragonvale stands Eyrie—the grand capital city perched atop a towering cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the realm. It is here that the High Council of Dragonvale holds court, ruling over the dragonborn with fairness and justice. The city itself is a marvel of engineering, with towering spires and labyrinthine streets that wind their way through the rocky terrain. At its center lies the Great Hall of the Dragon Lords—a grandiose structure adorned with the trophies of countless battles and the symbols of the dragonborn's ancient heritage.   But Dragonvale is not just a realm of warriors and kings—it is also a land of deep spirituality and reverence for the dragons that once roamed its skies. These dragonborn believe themselves to be the descendants of Fafnir and Jormungandyr, the great Prismatic Dragons and they pay homage to them through elaborate rituals and ceremonies. Dragon priests and priestesses serve as a conduit for these rituals, ensuring that their ancient bond remains unbroken.   Life in Dragonvale is harsh and unforgiving, with fierce storms and treacherous terrain posing constant challenges to its inhabitants. Yet, the dragonborn are a resilient people, hardened by centuries of hardship and adversity. They have learned to harness the elements to their advantage, using their mastery of fire, ice, and lightning to fend off threats from both within and without.   Despite the dangers that lurk beyond its borders, Dragonvale remains a realm of unparalleled beauty and majesty—a testament to the indomitable spirit of its dragonborn inhabitants. And its people look towards the day when the Fafnir and Jorgunmandyr soar through the skys once more.


Each settlement is ruled by a Jarl with a shamen as the Jarl's right hand.   The Council is made up of the Eldest Jarls, one from each settlement and they hold this position until death.


Although a lush land, the weather can be extreme with weather patterns forming in the mountains and decending upon the valleys.

Natural Resources

Extremely rich in minerals and precious metals, but, The dragonborn only take what they require and offer very little if any for trade.


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