
In the shadowed annals of this realm, where malevolence eclipses the light, lies the sinister country known as Drakoria. This land, a barren twisted tapestry of cruelty and tyranny. It stands as a stark testament to the depths of darkness that can grip a nation. Drakoria's history is one fraught with power lust, oppression, and the grim legacy of its ruthless rulers.   Eons ago, Drakoria emerged from a malevolent pact struck between dark sorcerers and forbidden entities. The land's foundations were bathed in an unholy fusion of necromancy, blood magic, and sinister rituals. The realm was marked by obsidian spires that pierced the sky, casting perpetual shadows over a land blighted by corruption and despair.   The seat of Drakoria's malevolence lay within the Dread Citadel, a towering fortress that exuded an aura of dread. The Dreadlord, a tyrant whose name was whispered with fear, held dominion over this realm. From her throne of bones, she orchestrated a reign built on terror, servitude, and cruelty.   The people of Drakoria, known as the Cursed Thralls, bore the chains of a tragic fate. An underclass subjected to the despotic rule of the Dreadlord, they toiled under the weight of forced labor, their lives devoid of hope and liberty. The sinister emblem of the Broken Chain, etched into their flesh, symbolized their submission to the Dreadlord's cruel regime.   Drakoria's sprawling cities were shrouded in an air of malevolent grandeur. Serpent's Reach, a city of towering obsidian spires and twisted architecture, was the epicenter of the Dreadlord's power. Its dark alleys echoed with the cries of the downtrodden, while its opulent palaces housed sadistic nobles who reveled in the suffering of the thralls.   Amid the turmoil, a secret resistance known as the Shadowsong emerged. Led by a shadow-wielder known as the Veiled Seraph, they sought to liberate the Cursed Thralls from the shackles of their oppression. Operating from hidden sanctuaries deep within the Blackwood Forest, the Shadowsong embarked on covert missions to ignite the flames of rebellion and inspire hope in the hearts of the oppressed.   Drakoria's history was one of unrelenting strife. The Dreadlord's minions, the Bloodbound enforcers, waged a campaign of terror against the Shadowsong. Torture, dark magic, and ruthless suppression were their tools, seeking to quash any glimmer of dissent and maintain the Dreadlord's Iron grip.   As the ages passed, a simmering tension built within Drakoria's shadowed borders. Whispers of an ancient prophecy began to circulate among the Cursed Thralls, foretelling the rise of a Chosen Redeemer who would cast down the Dreadlord's reign and shatter the chains of oppression. The prophecy ignited a spark of defiance, driving the Shadowsong to intensify their struggle against the tyranny that had plagued the realm for centuries.   In the sinister tapestry of Drakoria's existence, where malevolence reigned and suffering flourished, the dawning of hope among the shadows signified a glimmer of light amidst the abyss. The Chronicles of the Shadowed Dominion would ultimately unfold through the interplay of defiance and despair, as the fate of a nation hung in the balance, poised on the precipice of transformation or eternal darkness.


Slavery has become commonplace and it is quite easy to tell those of the noble class and those that are not.   There are 3 major castes contained within Drakoria: Nobles, Bloodbound, and Slaves. The degree of importance between the castes being vast as it is commonplace for slave to be executed for trivial things such as making eye contact with a noble.   The Bloodbound make up the military and craftsman of the realm most often taken from the slave offspring that show exceptional skills in some aspect that make them an item of value. upon being chosen to become Bloodbound they undergo a ritual performed by the city's archmage (for a nominal fee of course)   Nobles are judged by each other by several factors and this directly affects their power and standing within the country. Number one being the wealth they have accumulated which doesn't just equate to gold but also to assets: slaves, Bloodbound, industry etc. something as simple as owning one more slave than another noble puts you in higher standing.


By Importance and value:   Females in the Dreadlord Enclave - 50000   Males or Females of the Spire - 1000   Males as Military Officers - 100   Industry - 50   Bloodbound Soldiers - 10   Bloodbound Craftsmen - 5   Slaves - 1   Gold - 0.001 per piece
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Currency is universal throughout the realm
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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