Jelen'a Tor'in

Jelen'a Tor'in, a name whispered with reverence among the elves of Voss, was not always the stalwart and virtuous paladin she is known as today. Her journey to becoming a beacon of light and righteousness was a tale of trials, self-discovery, and unwavering dedication to her people and her homeland.   Born in the heart of Voss, a land of lush forests, swamps, and serene glades, Jelen'a hailed from a lineage of skilled elven warriors who served as protectors of their homeland for generations. Her parents, Eldrin and Serina Tor'in, were renowned knights of Voss, their unwavering dedication to the elven kingdom known far and wide. From a young age, Jelen'a was raised on tales of valor, honor, and the importance of safeguarding the delicate balance of the natural world.   As a child, Jelen'a displayed an unusual affinity for the ancient ways of the paladin, a path that blended martial prowess with divine magic and a strong commitment to justice. Under the guidance of her parents, she began her training, learning the arts of swordplay, archery, and the sacred blessings of the Torlivayne. Her earnest dedication to her studies was evident, but Jelen'a's true calling revealed itself during a fateful encounter in the mystical Whispering Glade.   One serene afternoon, while exploring the depths of the Whispering Glade, Jelen'a and her parents stumbled upon a sinister plot. A group of renegade elves, seduced by dark powers from the shadows, sought to corrupt the very heart of Voss by defiling the sacred groves. A fierce battle ensued, with Jelen'a's family at the forefront of the defense. In the midst of combat, a torrent of malevolent energy threatened to engulf them all. It was in that moment of peril that Jelen'a, driven by love for her family and the land she cherished, tapped into her latent powers, channeling divine energy to shield her loved ones from the darkness.   The power of her faith and resolve drove the malevolent force back, saving her family and preserving the sanctity of the Whispering Glade. This heroic act earned her the blessing of Torlivayne, who whispered her guidance into her heart. From that day forward, she embraced her destiny as a paladin, vowing to protect Voss and all of its inhabitants from the encroaching darkness.   As Jelen'a continued her training, she forged strong bonds with her Order of the Oak brethren, who saw in her the embodiment of their people's unwavering spirit. Her devotion to justice and her unyielding loyalty to Voss earned her the title and rank of Knight Comander, She became a beacon of hope and a symbol of unity for the citizens of Voss, inspiring many to follow her path of righteousness.   Jelen'a's journey as paladin was fraught with challenges, but her unwavering faith in the Torlivayne and her commitment to the protection of Voss drove her forward. With her shining blade and the divine light at her side, she ventured into the darkest corners of her homeland, confronting threats both mortal and supernatural. Through her valor and unyielding resolve, she came to embody the very essence of an elven paladin, a living testament to the enduring strength and purity of her people's spirit in the face of adversity.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Naturally channels divine energy through her weapon strikes.

Apparel & Accessories

Although most would see greens of earthtones best fitting for colors of clothing she has a penchant for purple

Mental characteristics


Knight Commander Order of the Oak

Mental Trauma

Watched her parents meet their demise in the Whispering Glade

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:   Cats, the bigger the better.   Fruit Infused Alcohols   Ice cold fruit pie   Dislikes:   Ales + Meads   Abominations of the natural order   Toast   Being dirty

Virtues & Personality perks

Saving herself for marriage

Vices & Personality flaws

Overly dedicated to her work


Immaculate to the point of every item she donns is blessed by the gleaming enchantment


Hobbies & Pets

Shavvar her black panther mount and best friend.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight Commander
Ocean Blue
Long, Pale Blonde
Quotes & Catchphrases
Find me someone as dedicated to something as i am to the protection of Voss and will marry that person.
Known Languages
Elvish, Primordial, Druidic


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