
In the distant past, the land of Kavir was a mystical realm, home to a diverse array of monstrous races and Tieflings. These beings lived harmoniously in the untamed wilderness, guided by ancient magic and the powerful forces that flowed through their realm. Among the inhabitants, three extraordinary sisters emerged, each possessing unique and potent magical abilities.   As the ties between the races and grew stronger, the three sisters, named, rose to prominence among their kind. Known for their compassion, wisdom, and unyielding sense of justice, the sisters earned the trust and respect of all of the denizens of Kavir   Recognizing the sisters' leadership qualities, the disparate factions came together under their benevolent rule. The three sisters formed Kavir into a mageocracy, representing all races and magical beings. This marked the beginning of the united nation of Kavir, and it thrived under the sisters' just and wise governance.   The reign of the Three Sisters brought about a Golden Age for Kavir. The sisters used their vast knowledge of magic to ensure prosperity and harmony throughout the realm. Under their guidance, the nation flourished, and cultural exchange between the races led to a beautiful tapestry of traditions and customs. The citizens of Kavir experienced an era of peace, artistic enlightenment, and magical advancement.   However, with great power came great challenges. The sisters faced numerous trials that tested their resolve and unity. Malevolent forces from beyond Kavir's borders sought to undermine the sisters' rule and plunge the land into darkness. Yet, through their unwavering bond and the support of their people, the Three Sisters have stood strong against every threat.   Most recent history although heavily obsured claims the sisters have vanished, some tales say they passed on into the next world, others say they were defeated in battle. Since this happening The Silver Spire which lies at the center of the capital Kavir City has fallen into disrepair and has lost its lustre.   Although they are no longer at the forefront of governance, They have became immortalized in legends and myths, and their wisdom and compassion continue to guide the nation. People often seek their counsel at the enchanted shrines dedicated to the sisters, where their spirits were said to reside.   Epilogue:   The legacy of the Three Sisters endured in the hearts and minds of the people of Kavir. Their reign marked an extraordinary period of unity and prosperity, leaving an indelible mark on the nation's history. Kavir continues to thrive under the guidance of the council of mages, preserving the teachings and values passed down by the Three Sisters. To this day, the enchanted land of Kavir stands as a beacon of hope and harmony, a testament to the enduring power of love, wisdom, and the bond between the diverse inhabitants of the realm.


The Skullsplitters are an elite unit most made up of Orcs that are known for their ferocity on the battlefield.     The White Hand are an elite cadre of Wizards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks whose reputation comes much from rumor and speculation as they have never had to release their full potential due to the effectiveness on the Skullsplitters.

Foreign Relations

trade still remains strong, however, relations have become strained with several nations due to the assumed demise of The Sisters 3, however with no apparent evidence of this happening most nations are reluctant to enter into a full blown capaign


Entry into the Silver Spire is forbidden
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Major Exports
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
This article has no secrets.


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