Pirate Republic

In the age of exploration and seafaring, the Pirate Republic emerged as a unique and formidable entity in the Caribbean. Comprising six strategically located cities—St. Kitts, Nevis, Campeche, Matanzas, Virgin Gorda, and the thriving capital, Tortuga—the Pirate Republic stood as a testament to the unity and strength of pirates who sought freedom from oppressive regimes and the lure of vast treasures scattered across the seas.   Each city within the Pirate Republic boasted its own unique character, fostering a culture of camaraderie, freedom, and independence. St. Kitts and Nevis were renowned for their bustling ports and vibrant trade, serving as crucial hubs for pirate activities and commerce. Campeche, offered a safe haven and refuge for pirates seeking respite and supplies.   Virgin Gorda, on its mountainous isle, known for its hidden coves and treacherous yet alluring waters, was a secretive outpost favored by those who preferred anonymity.   Matanzas stood apart from the other cities, shrouded in an air of mystery and fear. Under the reign of Captain Lasombra, the city thrived as a sanctuary for creatures of the night and those seeking the darker arts. Vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings found refuge within Matanzas' shadowy streets, shielded by an unspoken pact between them and their formidable ruler.   The capital city, Tortuga, served as the beating heart of the Pirate Republic—a melting pot of diverse cultures, a hub for trade, and a seat of governance and quite often violent debates, where representatives from each city convened to decide matters that affected the Republic as a whole.   Despite the inherent chaos of piracy, the Pirate Republic operated under a loose but respected code of conduct, ensuring fairness and justice within their ranks. The Council of Captains, comprising leaders from each city, convened periodically to discuss laws, settle disputes, and forge alliances against common enemies.   As the Pirate Republic flourished, its reputation spread far and wide. It became a symbol of freedom, defiance against oppression, and a testament to the unity of those who dared to defy the established order of the seas.


A mix of almost every race in Numeria


Council of Captains has the official governance but rarely meet, a council of representatives run the day to day... well sort of
Actual numbers unknown but estimated in the millions
Owning Organization


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